Chappie 10

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In a flash they appeared outside hunith's house. Now it appeared to be springtime and icicles were just starting to melt. The roundtable landed on the ground with a plunk as phoebe smiled giddily as she jumped up and down. "Oh i can't wait to see wittle cutie baby merry beary" phoebe said in a baby voice spinning around in pure excitement. "Ooh you were probably a little dumbo!" She squealed clutching her wand in a death grip of giddiness. "Dumbo?" Merlin mouthed to gwaine uncosciously rubbing his ears a bit sulkingly. Gwaine shrugged and the other knights gave him similar responses. "Umm phoebe?" Arthur questioned getting up. " what is it pratty?" "When are we now exactly?" He questioned. "A couple months after merlin was born... I didn't think any of you would want to experience or see a woman go through child birth." She said slightly guilty as her right jingle bell shoe swirled and circled in a nervous repetitive motion. "Well let's go in in then!" Arthur said full on grinning about to step through the wall when merlin spoke. "Why do we need to do that? I mean there really isn't a need to go inside is there arthur?" Merlin asked suddenly panicked stepping in front of his friend. Arthur stared intensely into his friends eyes and wanted to go jump off a cliff or run himself through with that shiny sword merlin had once given him. All arthur could see now that he knew what to look for was fear. Fear of him, fear of their friendship being shredded to nothing and running him through with the first thing he could find. " merlin relax you dollophead this is the whole point of coming here" merlin bit his lip unable to come up with a response. Not liking the look in merlins eyes arthur did something very childish and unkingly. He pushed merlin through the wall. His best friend fell back with a shocked cry and a thud could be heard. Arthur pokes his head through and smiled down at merlin who was glaring at him arms crossed. "Prat" he said. Then soon arthur was pushed all the way through by gwaine who stumbled in knocking arthur down with a grin. "Sorry princess" gwaine said smirking. "It's not nice to lie gwaine" lancelot said walking through the wall. "Your right, so not sorry princess" gwaine grinned as arthur gave his royal scowl. Arthurs head whipped around and his jaw along with the rest of the round table who walked through the walls mouth dropped. Merlin blushed turnjng scarlet. "Phoebe what are you doing!" Merlin asked feeling awkward as phoebe cooed at the big blue eyed, dark haired, pale giggling creature known as baby merlin. He was sitting on a stool in front of a tray of cookies. Huniths back was turned as she made dinner humming a light airy tone. "Phoebe leave mini merlin alone!" Arthur groaned as phoebe started making funny faces at the adorable thing.

Phoebe pouted as her finger scratched lightly under baby merlins chin. Merlin unconsciously rubbed his own chin Suddenly feeling ticklish. "Mini merry Is artie being a pratty watty? Yes he is yes he is artie is being a pratty watty princie" phoebe said in a baby voice eye's sparkling as mini merlin clapped his hands happily. Arthur glared. Baby merlin reached for a cookie but was to late as hunith turned around. " merlin you can not have a cookie you'll spoil your dinner!" Hunith said in mothering but strict tone. Baby Merlins eyes watered before he suddenly started wailing at the top of his little baby lungs and tears leaked from his eyes. Arthur covered his ears at the shrill sound of merlins voice. He glared at his man servant. "What? I'm a baby of course i'm gonna cry like a little girl if i don't get my way! Besides chocolate chip is my favorite..." Merlin mumbled lips pouting as he crossed his arms childishly.

"Ya know i wonder..." Merlin mumbled as his right hand slowly slid for the cookie's on the tray. "I doubt that'll..." Elyon started to say but stopped mid sentence as merlin picked up the gooey chocolate chip cookie and took a bite. "Mmm" merlin moaned at the chocolatey taste of the cookie in his hands. "Having fun there merlin?" Arthur asked as his man servant grabbed a third cookie from the tray. He nodded stuffing the thing in his mouth. "Mini Merlin shut up!" Arthur snapped at baby merlin who suddenly froze and sniffled slightly noise ceasing and his blue eyes fixated on arthur. He giggled suddenly and reached out to arthur. "A't'ur" baby merlin giggled. " "what was that merlin?" Hunith asked the baby boy in her arms. Baby merlin decided to once again try his luck. "Cookie" he giggled trying to reach out to tray for it. "Merlin" hunith warned. He pouted and gave her puppy dog eyes. "No." She stated as she set merlin back down and put the tray out of his reach and in turn taking away the grown merlins supply. "Hey!" He says as his mother lifts the tray and hides it effectively. Baby merlin pouted. Hunith went outside to go get some more would to keep the fire burning. When she was gone merlins eye suddenly glowed a gold that only magic could ever produce. Merlin couldn't breath. He couldn't face Arthur not when his biggest secret had just been exposed. Over a cookie. His greatest secret his most closed guarded important classified secret had just been given up for a chocolate chip cookie. A baby version of merlin levitated the little cookie to his hand. He giggled as if in victory of the deed. Merlin forced himself to turn around and looked at his best friend. His mouth opened words ready to spill everything and arthur silently raised a hand. Merlin was not prepared for what came next......

Arthur smiled.


That was chapter 10 i hope you liked it! Was it worth the wait? Next chapter comes at midnight! Be prepared! I love you all!

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