Just another day waking up in a dungeon

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Merlin winced slightly as he opened his eyes. His head was killing him and he probably had a concussion. The last thing he remembered was calling arthur a prat.

Everything started out as a normal day the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and mary the cook was even relatively nice to merlin this morning. So of course his day couldn't stay nice and peaceful. That would be two good to be true. So when arthur saw the sun shining outside his window this immediately translated to merlin we're going hunting gather the knights and meet me at the stables in 10!

Merlins day went sort of down hill from there. First arthur came way to close to hitting another unicorn and if it hadn't been for merlins magic camelot would be doomed once again.

He stopped the arrow mid air right in front of the prat and when arthur asked the only answer merlin could give him was the unicorn must have seen it coming and used it's horn. It is a magical creature ya know! luckily for merlin arthur bought it.

Next gwaine got hungry and there was a bee hive nearby. Gwaine ignored the pleas for him to stop and got chased into the river. Merlin ran right along with him because unfortunately he was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and got honey in his hair. He was still a bit mad a t gwaine for that. Then arthur made fun of him for the rest of the day. Just as merlin called him a prat morganna appeared right in front of merlin and knocked him out first with a bit of magic. Beyond that merlin had no recollection. He just hoped to kilgarrahh that morganna didn't tell arthur about his magic already.

It was night time but beyond that merlin didn't know exactly how long he'd been out. He assumed his magic had something to do with waking up first although it could've also been the lovely killer thunderstorm that was raging outside. When lightening flashed there was enough light to make out where each knight was sitting. Arthur, gwaine, leon, elyan, percevil, and Lancelot were all still unconscious but breathing. Merlin was currently sitting on the floor in between arthur and gwaine. Merlin was in the center. Arthur leon and elyan to his left and gwaine lancelot and percivel on his right.

This was Something that he had unfortunately grown strangely accustomed to ever since morganna found out his secret or well half of his secret would throw him in a dark dank place, he would get snarky with her, she'd torture him a bit, ask him to join her or tell her about arthur to which he always said no. She' leave severley pissed off and hurt then by the time she got back for round two he had already broken out with his magic and was gone.

Merlin frowned now seeing a few problems with this new scenario.

1. Morganna could tell his secret if she hasn't already.
2. she didn't just take him she took everyone else as well.

And just to top it all off he and the knights were shirtless. Great now arthurs gonna ask him questions about his scars that he really didn't want to answer. Thanks a lot morganna! He thought bitterly. Wait why in the world was he shirtless. I mean the knights might be concealing weapons but him come on. He was a servant for pete's sake. Although you really couldn't say merlin had no muscle. He was actually pretty toned. Carrying arthurs armour around could actually do wonders for the body.

Merlin was shaken out of his thoughts by a door opening. Morganna strode in an annoyed look on her face. "Did you tell him?" Merlin asked her unable to refrain from asking. Morganna's eyes locked with the servants as she bent down in front of him her green eyes brimming with mixed emotions.

"No i didn't tell him." She said softly. "Why merlin?" She asked brokenly tears gathering in her green orbs.

"Why what?" he asked as his magic subconsciously reached protectively toward arthur.

"Why did you never tell me?" She asked as a tear fell down her face.

"Because" merlin started but paused.

"Because why?" She pressed begging for an answer. Hoping that this would end her sufferring. Hoping that this would dim the guilt gnawing in her heart. Hoping that this would stop her magic from reaching out to the serving boy she had once and apparently a small part of her did still love.

"Because i didn't want to break your heart." Merlin finally admitted. Morganna immediately scowled as the guilt grew and the butterflies seemed to flutter in her stomach. Her heart picked up speed and with a flash of gold in her eyes merlin was once again unconcious.

"Its to late for that" she said walking out and slamming the door shut.

Time skip

"Merlin!" A voice hissed."Merlin you idiot! stop acting like a girl and wake up you moron!" The voice said angrily although merlin could hear the worried tone underneath it. It sounded familiar and strangely comforting. Merlin knew this voice he just couldn't place it. Merlin's head felt terrible more so than when he first awoke. Wait first awoke- "arthur!" Merlin called snapping his eyes open. It was now day and sunshine streamed through the cell bars above merlins head flooding light into the creepy ashen place they were in. Merlin heard a sigh of relief next him.

"Thank god. Merlin never scare us like that again." Arthur said to him seriously.

Merlin groaned and tried to sit up but immediately stopped when the room spun. Merlin clutched his head and groaned slightly.

"Bad idea" he mumbled leaning back once again. "What happened?"He asked once the spinning ceased. Arthurs jaw clenched in anger and pure hatred flashed in his eyes. The blue orbs seeming to darken along with their owners mood.

"Merlin what do you remember?" Lancelot asked the secret warlock.

"Morganna appeared out of no where and knocked me out with a bit of hocus pocus." He replied shrugging slightly .
Arthur snorted.

"What?" Merlin asked him indignantly.

"Only you merlin would say the words hocus pocus with a straight face." Arthur said shaking his head smiling ruefully. Gwaine out right laughed.

"Or be the first one out and last one to wake." Gwaine said putting in his own two cents. The knights all wore grim smiles each of them having the same thought flowing through their heads. How are they getting out of this one?

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