Ch 4 who is emrys?

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"This is just ridiculous!" Merlin exclaimed.

"Oh come now merlin don't act like that... We've only just been reunited." Morganna said walking in front of the servant whose eyes were steely and cold.

"Any questions you would like to ask to help us get reacquainted m'lady?"Merlin asked bowing his head slightly in a mocking manner.

Arthur inwardly groaned. 'Can't merlin ever just shut up when murdering sorceress's are around...? Idiots gonna get himself killed!'He ranted in his head looking at his servant worriedly trying to ignore the angry red lines criss crossing and dancing upon his friends skin.

Morganna smiled sweetly bending down in front of him looking into his one who didn't know the past between the two or the feelings each once shared it would be as if morganna was going to let him loose or give him a kiss.

"Merlin... Who is emrys?"She asked cocking her head to the side innocently. She sounded like she did before morgause, before the magic, and before everything went terribly wrong. It almost made her look harmless to the knights. However merlin knew better than them and decided to try a new tactic against her that would surely throw her off. He smiled right back at her his smile exactly like in the past when he first came to camelot. leaning slightly closer to the witch with Their lips almost touching merlin whispered... "I can not say."

Morganna growled at the gaius like retort but tried to keep her voice gentle.

"Why not merlin?"She asked.

"Because i do not know." He responded .

She could feel his breath as he spoke. She gazed into his stormy eyes. She inwardly melted as she did so. Even if he was just acting if felt so comforting for him to give her that look. However it was gone when merlin leaned away from her the dark emotions whirling back.

Morganna's thoughts

Merlin is being stubborn... Good... He'll tell me soon... Betray amelot to save his precious prince...and If he betrays arthur he'll never talk to him again. Arthur will be furious and merlin will feel my pain. Then when he has lost all hope he shall join me and then i can protect my merlin from that blasted emrys and brutish brother. Wait my merlin what am i saying!? What am i doing!? He's to close! He-he has magic! He could kill me at this range! Morganna immediately stood up and sneered.

3rd person

"Fine then merlin if you shall not tell me willingly then i shall force it out of you!"

"You can certainly try morganna."He countered smirking slightly.

"I will succeed and you will feel my pain!" She snapped.

"Betrayal is a double edged sword morganna i already am." Merlin answered.

"No you have only brushed the surface! You have no idea what its like to live in fear of someone coming after you and killing you every single day! You don't have nightmares or haunting visions of the future! You don't know the weight that destiny carries!"

"Don't i?" He asked voice hard with eyes avoiding arthurs and the rest as he gazed at his old love.

"You don't know what it's like to be betrayed merlin!"

"Then what the hell do you call the past 3 years!" He snapped voice rising as was his magic.

"I never betrayed you! You betrayed me!" She replied starting to grit her teeth. Her magic was pooling and her eyes had gone a murkish gold. Merlin payed no mind as he glared at morganna barely holding his magic back.

"No i didn't! I helped you! I brought you to the druids! I tried to help you with your magic! I went against gaius for you! I broke the law for you!" Merlin was now yelling and rised slowly to his feet.

"You poisoned me!" She yelled again.

"I had no choice!" He yelled back shaking slightly. It was harder to keep his magic down but he forced it.

"Just Go to hell merlin! I trusted you! I loved you! And you can't even admit that you betrayed me! You idiotic selfish serving boy! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you and i hope you die!"

"Then kill me you psychotic witch! "He hollered voice booming throughout the cell walls like stretched his arms out tauntingly as i he was giving he a free shot.

"Fine!" And with that she yelled a spell and merlin flew back. His head banged against the rock wall behind him with force that only magic can possess. A sickening cracking noise was heard and merlin sunk to the ground a trail of red following his descent to the dirt floor.

"Merlin!" Arthur gwaine and lancelot screamed. You can guess who was the loudest.

The rest of the knights stared at merlins unmoving form in both fear and shock. No one breathed including morganna. She stood there frozen shaking slightly. Tears flowing freely from her eyes. "M-merlin..." She said in a trembling breath. No responce. "M-merlin." She tried again trembling even harder than before.

She took a step closer to him. "Morganna get away from him!" Arthur snapped . She let out a sob and fell on her knees. She muttered a spell and arthur was now glued to the wall along with the other knights. She crawled over to merlins unmoving form. "Merlin wake up!" She sobbed. Arthur tried to yell at her to get away again when he found that he couldn't speak. He paled and tears fell from his eyes unable to keep his emotions in check.

'Merlin please please wake up. I-i need you to help me! Please i'm begging you wake up. 'She said in her mind hoping and praying to the triple goddess that he would be okay.

'Go to hell' a voice responded in her head making her smile slightly.

'Thank you'

'fuck off my head hurts even more now'

morganna stroked his hair grinning. 'Ow morganna come on you magically pushed me into a sharp wall don't mess with my hair'

'Who's emrys's'

'Who's a bitch'



'I'll be back when you awaken fully'

'Still not gonna talk'

'Still don't give a crap plus torturing you is fun'

'Bye bye maschosist pyscho witch lady'

'Bye bye my sweet warlock'

With that morganna left the room her spell disappearing as the door locked. Arthur made it to merlin first and put two fingers up to his neck. All the knights held their breath. Well? Gwaine asked fearing the answer. "He's alive!" Arthur proclaimed in relief. Thank god! Elyon said slouching against the wall. "He won't be for long un less we stop that bleeding." Leon said. "Umm guys... "Lancelot said trailing off staring at merlins head.

"What is it?"

"Two things umm one do you think he'll have a scar on his head now? And umm well the bleeding has stopped. There is no wound."

Okay guys please comment and tell me what you think! I was thinking about making a once upon a time and merlin crossover... Do you think i should? Please tell me! Check out my other stories blah blah blah. Love you all! Tiff out peace!?

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