Ch 5 what the hell are you talking about!?

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What do you mean there's no wound he just went flying into a wall for christ's sake!! Arthur snapped looking at lancelot like he had grown two heads.

It's true sire there isn't even so much as a bruise..... Leon said his voice trailing offz

Gwaine gazed at his friend thinkin about what the hell happened in the last 5 min or so. Morganna smiled after she had basically petted merlin like a dog. It wasn't an evil smile either.... It was more relieved and looked strangely happy. Gwaine took in a sharp breath as his eyes widened in a hotrifying yet heartbreaking realization.

"Morganna."Gwaine said not taking his shocked eyes of his unconscious friend. "Sorry?" Arthur asked eyes moving away from merlin to look at gwaine; however he kept his hand on merlins shoulder.

"Morganna must have healed him or something.... She does need information on that emrys fellow and she could be rehealing merlin to keep him alive long enough to get it."

"Yes but why? What would merlin know about this emrys. That we don't" elyon asked

"He said he didn't know anything about him" perceval said speaking up.

No he said he couldn't say which in the vocabulary of gaius means he's trying to protect us from something and wants to tell us but can't. Damn that idiot why does he have to play the hero it really doesn't suit him and he's not even properly trained. Arthur snapped.

"Arthur.... "Gwaine sighed tiredly. He didn't understand why the prat as merlin called him didn't just knight merlin in the first place. He gets captured by the enemy, goes into battle, travels with the round table, goes to the boring ass meetings, saves arthurs life repeatedly from anything ranging to poison to morganna, heals the injured....

"Why didn't you knight him?" Gwaine asked voicing his thoughts. If they were all gonna die from their procrastination he might as well procrastinate with the right questions.

"What?" Arthur asked coming out of a daydream where he was repeatedly stabbing morganna in the chest and everyone even merlin was cheering him on.

It was truly a great dream because he was using that shiny gold sword merlin had once showed him. Arthur now was wondering what happened to that beautiful sword. It had felt so right in his hands. He'd have to ask about it when they weren't captured by a crazy bitch of a witch.

"Merlin why didn't you knight him?" Gwaine clarifies though a bit annoyed by the fact.

"I um i uh......." Arthur stuttered for once at a total loss for words.

"I was wondering that myself actually" lancelot stated giving arthur a look that screamed explain.

Arthur licked his lips and looked away from his knights expressions of curiousity and was it anger he saw. No he had to be mistaken. What right did they have to be angry... But then again if merlin was properly trained maybe just maybe he wouldn't provoke morganna. Arthur gazed at the window that allowed light to stream in. He allowed his mind to wander back to that dreadful day.

'It wasn't because of merlins peasant status thats for sure. Arthur was many things. Yes he was an arrogant pratty pain in his servants ass but he wasn't a hypocrite. It wasn't because of his sword skills..... Well at the time it was but after the battle lancelot had told him he actually held his own against the undead and was fairly good. So he could've knighted him after the battle.....'

'Why? What stopped him from knighting his only best friend? Arthur stopped mid thought. Was that why? He mused. Was it because he saw him as more of a friend? An advisor? The only person that he could truly trust? Arthur frowned. Was he really that selfish? Was he such an insecure royal that he had to keep his servant no friend from going higher in the ranks in fear of not spending as much time with him? Was he honestly that much of a prat that he was holding his friend back? Was he that kind of person? The kind who would do anything for his kingdom wish the best for everyone...... Except for his servant friend whatever the hell merlin is?  Was he that afraid of him getting hurt?'

Arthur snorted at that thought. 'He didn't knight him and the idiot got hurt anyway. Arthur frowned once more. He was doing that a lot since they got captured. He got hurt anyway..... Merlin almost got killed and it was all his fault..... If he really didn't knight him for that reason then he was not only a horrible royal..... But a horrible friend as well. How could he not have known? How could he not have seen? But most importantly what else has merlin been hiding all these years?'

"Are you going to answer the question princess?" Gwaine asked as he once again eyed merlins sig sagging scars.

"I didn't knight him because i was scared to knight him alright?" Arthur snapped clutching his blonde hair in frustration.

"Why would you be scared to knight him? Was it his status? "Lancelot asked suddenly assuming the worst.

"Nonononono "arthur said really fast. "It wasn't that at all."

"Then what?" Gwaine asked goading him on now looking at the cell around them. He had to find an escape route there has to be one.....Gwaine was actually a pretty good multi tasker and he had to multiple things a once now that he was totally sober. He had to keep his mind moving or he might start thinking about his dad and that was never good....

"He's merlin" was arthurs reply.

"So? And i'm gwaine. whats your point princess?"

"Did he even want be one?" Arthur answered gwaines question with a question of his own.

The usually talkative knight went silent. That thought never having crossed his mind.

Of course he wouldn't want to be a knight. He's merlin. He saves flies for crying out loud! He hates hunting and he things all knights are brainless bafoons or completely dense.

"I was scared that merlin would shoot the offer down and call me an idiotic dollophead. I mean if you really think about it if he'll become anything higher up it'll be the next court physician." Arthur explained fully.

"Holy shit! Gwaine cried suddenly standing up and taking off his necklace that morganna had for some reason not taken. "Gwaine what the hell are you doing? " elyon questioned. Gwaine payed him no mind and threw his necklace at the door. Just as he suspected it bounced off by some force right back into his palm. "Umm gwaine are you a sorceror?" Percevil asked.

"Wha- no why would you think that?" Gwaine asked. Percevil gestured to the forcefield. Gwained sighed as he eyed the silver thing. It was slightly charred but it was nothing he couldn't have elyon fix. "I have a keen eye when i'm sober i guess" gwaine said looking down at merlin.

The secret warlock was breathing more evenly now and he looked peaceful. Arthur hand had wandered down to the other mans hand and was gripping it tightly but not  strong enough to cause pain. It was just enough for support and reassurance. 

Arthur chuckled. "Your as sober as merlin has magic" he said in a joking tone.

Lancelot froze. Did arthur know? When did he find out? How did he find out? Did merlin tell him? If he did then why hasn't merlin broken us out yet?

Lance was broken out of his thoughts when a voice sounded. "What the hell are you people talking about?"

Just as merlin fully sat up everyones head turned to the door. They waited in anticipation for the door to once again creep open and morgana to walk through,sneer, and proceed to once again beat the crap out of merlin. Everyone held there breath as the door finally started to creek. However instead of morgana a note floated magically through before it closed. The note split into two. One floated over to merlin the other to arthur. Merlins was shimmering a peaceful gold while arthurs was murky like morgannas eyes. They each carefully and hesitantly picked up the gold papers. They said.....

Oh cliff hangar!! So what did you think comment and pm me also if you like naruto check out my two naruto stories. Naruto the light of the leaf and a glimpse into the future! Okay so yeah i'll update again anywhere from tommorrow to sunday! I promise! Tiff out peace!!😊

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