Disater part 3

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Souline's POV

I got closer to the bodies and my god did they look bad , I grabbed the letter and read it .

I sighed as my brother was calling someone to come clean this up . Poor girls , they had just come here for a night out and they end up like this . I blinked the tears away , knowing this was my fault.

" What did the note say " asked Nick

" it was for me " I mumbled

I heard someone's growl behind me but I ignored it.

" Souline what did the note say " asked Elijah

At this point all the alcohol had disappeared out my system , I was thinking about what to do . He was going to come soon .

" let's go " I said looking around . He could be watching me right now and I'd never know , for all we know he could attack right now .

As I was looking around I noticed someone on top of the building aiming an arrow at us . I quickly surrounded us with a protection barrier type bubble just as he aimed .

If I hadn't done that when I did that would have hit Nick .

" oh my god" I heard someone say

" we have to get out of here " I told them as I looked around .

" can you teleport us out " asked Ares looking around

I looked and I knew I had no other option but to do this . I had teleported earlier and that made me a little weak and now this giant force field . And now having to teleport this many people at once could not be good for me but I know I had to .

I just nodded as everyone held hands and I teleported them to the front of my grandmas castle .

When I knew they were safe and in front of the castle I took the barrier down , I knew he wouldn't hurt me he needed me , wanted me .

" You didn't have to kill them " I said to him as he was now in front of me .

" Actually baby , we did . " he said as he looked at me up and down .

I looked at him with disgust , but I knew my time was almost up . If he kept killing innocent people then I'd have to go myself .

" And we are going to keep doing this till you decide to willingly come with us " he said

" I am not going to give up easily, if you want me so bad come get me " I said

But I knew he wouldn't try it , even though I am very week and I can feel I'm about to pass out . He doesn't know that , and there for won't try anything .

He went to make a move and as he did I raised my hand .

" do you really want to try it " I said raising my eyebrow, but I hoped he wouldn't try it cause then I really would be screwed .

" We will come back for you mi amor " he said before disappearing in the shadows .

I sighed in relief and looked around , my time here was more and more closer to being done . And I really don't have anything to fight for anymore . My mate doesn't want me he won't accept me , so what else is there to fight for . That way my family will be safe .

I smelt someone coming and I turned in the directions to see a human .

" Hello there darling " said the man looking at me hungrily

" back off " I told him

" Come on darling , let's have some fun " he said coming towards me .

" fine let's have some fun " I said as I smirked

" Yea come here , I'll make you feel so good " he said as he came closer to me .

When he was right in front of me I pulled him towards me and bit into his neck as I started drinking blood , but it started to burn as soon as it went down my throat .

I pulled away as I felt like my throat was burning inside out I could feel myself start to pass out . This wasn't good .

No no no this can't be happening I looked into the shadows and saw him smirking .

I quickly teleported back home as I felt myself to loose consciousness. I could feel blood coming out my mouth from whatever it was he had in his system .

I landed with a thug in my grandmas living room where everyone was pacing around .

" SOULINE ! " I heard someone yell but I was too busy scratching at my throat and trying to breath to notice who it was .

" Oh my god what happened " I heard someone say

" B-B-Blood " I croaked out as my throat hurt more

" Someone had something in there system " I heard my grandma say .

" this is why you should have come with us , and not stayed behind " I heard Ares yell

" I'm fi—-" was the last thing I said before I passed out

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