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Souline's POV

Me and Jaxon had really thought about the possibility of moving to the castle and we had been trying to decide where we would be living and raising our babies .

"Jaxon ... Where do you want to live we have our home here . But the castle could also be ours . I Grew up there and i love it there . But is it what's best for us " I told him as I rubbed on my very swollen belly . 

" Where ever we decide it won't matter because we will be together , this house isn't what makes this home . Home is where ever you are " he said as he kissed me .

" We would still have this house , we could come here whenever we needed to get away or we could have our rooms in the castle for whenever we needed to stay there over night . " he said .

" And plus I can teleport " I told him .

" Exactly ,so it won't matter where we choose to stay" said Jaxon .

I just nodded as I laid my head on his chest .

We had to leave tomorrow and I was really nervous, could I really rule three kingdoms .

" I have to head to the pack house , i need to make sure everything is good here before we head out tomorrow " he said as he kissed my forehead .

" ok , Im going to my parents " I told him .

" I'll see you later , I love you " he said as he walked out .

I quickly changed into a simple long sleeved blue dress and put some sandals on and grabbed my car keys and got in my Jeep and was on the way to my parents .

I pulled in and parked the car in my regular spot and got out , I could hear people in the back yard so I went around the house towards the back .

" SOULINE " I heard someone yell .

I looked up and was met with Selleste and sapphire , I saw as they ran towards me .

" you guys literally saw me like 2 days ago " i said as I hugged them .

" That's two days too long " said Sapphire .

" Well when you put it like that " i told them as I laughed .

" Are you packed Souline ? We all leave tomorrow " asked my mom as she raised a brow .

" Yess? " I told her .

" Souline , you always do this . You are about to be queen you can't keep acting like this " she said .

" Mom chill I'll do it as soon as I get back , it's just a bag with clothes " I told her annoyed .

" You need to Start acting more mature Souline " she said .

"Mom .." I started but stopped as I knew I would say something bad .

" Mom chill , she will do it when she gets back there's still time " said Ares defending me like he always does .

" Like Always , defending her " she said .

" Mom ... what is up with you today, All you've done since I got here is attack me " I told her .

" I'm sorry honey , your grandma's just has me so stressed with all this coronation stuff " she said as she hugged me .

We made some snacks and went into the movie theatre and watched some movies like the old times .

I went out to use the bathroom and was passing the windows facing the back yard when I saw someone in the distance walking towards the house .

I carefully walked towards the window to see who it might be , but I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed it was just Jaxon . I opened the door for him  as he got closer.

" Babe , what are you doing here " I asked as I hugged him .

" Well , I got home and noticed you weren't back so I ran here so we could go back together . " he said as he hugged me closer to him and then bent down to kiss my belly .

" well I was on the way to the bathroom , Wait for me here " I said as i as closed the door .

After peeing me and Jaxon walked back into the movie room and they all said hey to him as me and him cuddled into each other and finished watching the movie . After the movie was over they put on another one and dinner was brought in here for us . And when the movie was over Jaxon drove us home and then we got ready to sleep and cuddled into each other .

My Destined Alpha Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें