Second chances

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Souline's POV

" I heard you got rejected " she said smirking

I just looked at her , trying to calm down . Knowing if Stella or Athena come out it's not going to end up good .

" I told you , you don't belong here you shouldn't even exist . You were the moon goddesses experiment  . You were her mistake in the lab , experiment gone wrong . And from the looks even your mate can't be around you because of what you are , how does that feel Souline " she said smirking at me

" How does it feel to be everyone's trouble , and the most unwanted person " she said

" you have killed hundreds of people , on purpose and on accident . You loose control too often . Other people always have to clean up after you . Look how long your family has been running for you " she said

I looked up at my family , as I knew she was right . I have been nothing but trouble to them . They don't know peace because of me .

" Even Liam knew too leave " she smirked at me as she winked at him .

" Everyone will always leave you , no one will choose you in the end . Because they know if they do ... they'll never be at peace " she said

" maybe I'll take Jaxon like I took Liam " she smirked

I aimed at her but was pulled back into a hard chest . And pulled out of the room .

I could feel Stella and Athena wanting to come out , they feel hurt and mad from everything Cecil had just said . Because deep in us we knew she was right .

" Souline " I heard him call me as he grabbed my face and tried to get me to look at him.

My eyes were fully red , I could feel them . I could feel the anger and sadness radiating out my body and around me . I was trying to hard not to loose control . Because if I did I know I would probably end up killing her .

I breathed in and out trying to calm myself down , out of habit I started to dig my nails into my skin causing blood to come out .

I was shaking and trying so hard not to loose control , I guess Jaxon smelt the blood because soon after he grabbed my hands and put them in his as he looked down at the scars I had from all the previous times that I had done this and left little scars.

" I'm ok , you can go back " I told him as I had started to calm down because of his touch .

" Soul—" he started to say

" Jaxon I'm fine " I told him as I forced a smile and looked out the window .

" I can't keep doing this you know , your hurting me , your hurting Stella , your hurting Athena " I told him

"Your slowly breaking us apart " I told him as I sat down at the balcony

" Your sister accepted my brother ..Why can't you accept me " I told him

He stayed quiet at that , I would have thought he had left because he made no sound. But I could still feel him behind me .

It was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop , I closed my eyes as I felt the wind pick up around me and I could almost hear it communicating with me.

The silence and how everything seemed so relaxed made me realize how truly tired I was .

I inhaled smelling the freshness , I was almost in a state of meditation . But was pulled out as I was pulled up from my seat .

I opened my eyes and Jaxon was looking right at my eyes and he then bent down and kissed me hard , As if I would slip right under him and disappear.

My Destined Alpha MateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ