Old friends

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Souline's POV

I woke up with the sun in my face , I went to get up but realized I was still wrapped in a towel from my shower last night .

All I felt was numb ... I could feel the pain but it was distant .. like i was there , but I wasn't.

I went into my closet and changed into some black sweats and a black cropped  top and added a jacket as it was cold today . it was 7:00 am I could make it to school . But first I would go see Selleste .

I walked out of my room and down the hall and down the stairs , i could hear people talking as I got closer to the kitchen , but as I got closer the talking stopped , But I ignored them .

" Souli- " was the last thing I heard before I closed the door .

I made my way to the hospital , i walked for a couple minutes before I came face to face to Selleste's door .

I had my hand on the door as I was waiting to push it open ... I hesitated for a little before I finally pushed it open and there sat my beautiful sister .

" S-Selleste " I whispered

" oh souline " she said looking at me sadly

" I - I'm sorry , it's my fault you got hurt ... I - that arrow was aimed for my head Selleste ...the longer i stay here the more danger i put you all in Selleste , Im so sorry " I told her as I hugged her tight knowing she was ok .

" Souline it is not your fault and you know it , it's his " she said in disgust

" don't worry selleste I will make it better , and all of you will be safe again " I said as I looked up at her one more time before walking out the door .

" Souline what do you mean , what are you talking about i swea— "  was the last thing I  heard before I slammed the door shut .

" SOULINEEE " i heard her yell as I made my way out the hospital doors and made my way back towards the house to get my car .

I pulled up at school and saw my siblings parked in there usual spots , they had surprised looks on there faces along with his siblings .

I ignored them and continued on my way to class I sat in my usual seat and just spaced out .

The royal ball was in two weeks ... I had two weeks left here before I would leave .

I heard the bell ring as I saw everyone getting up .. I looked around surprised, I spaced out for all of class .

I was walking to my next class , and I could hear my siblings calling me , I ignored them and continued on until I bumped into someone .

" I - Im sorry , i wasn't looking where I was go-.. L-Liam ? "   I said with shock as I looked up at him .

I heard my brothers in the back growl .

" what are you doing here Evans " asked Elijah as he came to stand beside me as he pulled me into him .

" We just moved here " he said still looking at me

" why here , out of all the places you could have chosen " asked Asher

" Are you ok ? ". He asked looking down at me , Liam could always read right through me . He could always tell when something was wrong with me . And here he was in front of me after a couple years of not seeing him .

" Souline " i heard as I went to turn around .

I turned to look at the person who had just called my name .. it was Ellie.

My Destined Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now