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Souline's POV

I was starring at the wall , just imagining myself being somewhere else rather then in this cell . When the door was slammed open causing me to flinch hard .

The movement caused pain to go up my body and up my leg as the knife was still in my leg , deciding it was best to leave it in there so I wouldn't bleed out.

My whole body was in so much pain that I felt numb , I was passed the point . I'm slowly giving up .

" A-Ares " I whispered through my dry lips.

" SOULINE" he yelled as he fell down at his knees in front of me trying to get the chains off me .

" A-Ares .. Y-Your here " I whispered.

I felt tears start to pool in my eyes , feeling relief through me . My babies would be ok .

I looked behind him and saw no one was behind him . I starred at the door waiting for Jaxon to run through the door ..

But it never came .

The tears rolled down my face, He wasn't here ..

I winced as he finally got the chains off my wrists , although they were big enough to where I could move my hands around they were tight .

I hugged him as best as I could , not having the energy to raise my hands up and hug him .

" Souline , I-I'm sorry.. you were taken right in front of us . I'm sorry it took us so long to find you , we never stopped looking ... they had this place well hidden " he rushed out with tears in his eyes .

" A-Ares it's ok , I'm ok " I whispered

" Souline look at you , no your not " he said looking down at my beaten , bloody , bruised body .

" Your here now so I am ok " I whispered .

He continued to look down at me ,I looked down and you could see myself in a huge crew neck that was ripped up . It was like having a blanket wrapped up , it was so big that you couldn't see my growing stomach . I had cuts and bruises and blood going down my leg , can't forget the knife sticking out of my leg .

" Soul— " he started but was stopped as you could hear the door up stairs once again slam open as you heard the footsteps of someone running down the hallway .

Ares quickly stood up ready to fight whoever was coming down the hall .

When I looked back at the door I realized it was Jaxon.

My beautiful Jaxon .

He did come .. he does care . I let out a sigh of relief , as I now knew he did come for me .

I saw him fall down to his knees as he looked at me , he looked at every part of me , seeing all the things on my body that weren't there before.

Everything except my stomach.

I watched as a tear fell from his eye . Watching me carefully then his eyes met with the knife on my leg .

He quickly rushed to me , and kneeled right in front of me and looked at the knife then at me .

" I need to pull it out ok " he whispered so softly I almost didn't hear him .

I just nodded lost for words.

Ares took off his shirt and ripped it making it longer .

" come here " he whispered .

He held me in his arms as we looked at each other then looked at Jaxon who was looking at me with so mush sadness and guilt ?

I just nodded at him as I leaned my head on Ares and closed my eyes .

He quickly pulled it out causing me to gasp and bite my lip hard so I wouldn't scream . As bad as I wanted to , I knew it would make Ares and Jaxon feel worse .

I opened my eyes and saw the blood quickly pouring out , this is what I was scared off .

Ares grabbed his shirt and wrapped it up tightly around my leg , the shirt quickly Turing red.

I winced , the numbness I felt before long gone now . I could feel every pain going through my body from the knife wound , to the cuts on my arms and legs . And from my burning skin that they had burnt .

Jaxon picked me up , sparks shooting up my body , and everywhere he touched .

I let out a sigh as I leaned on him relaxing a bit . We got out of the cell and after turns and more turns we made it to the front .

I could see dead bodies all around the grass , the grass that was once green , now red. I tensed up once again making sure none of those were ours . And from the looks of it none where only some injured .

I gripped onto Jaxon without realizing it as he stopped all of a sudden tensing up . I could feel him panic as I looked up at him and then looked to see what he was looking at and there stood Freya , surrounded by 3 wolves , way too big for her .

I felt him start to shake and panic even more looking at me and then back at her . I finally made eye contact with him and gave him a nod tell him it was ok for him to go .

" Go Jaxon , she needs you " I whispered through the pain.

He quickly but gently sat me down next to a tree as he turned into his wolf and sped off .

I watched as he sped off but was too late , one wolf had just stuck a blade through her and pulled out out .

Blood was pouring out of her stomach as she fell down to the floor. Jaxon quickly killed the wolves and noticed her down on the ground bleeding . He fell to his knees tears in his eyes .

I quickly got up as best as I could , using the tree as support . Everyone stopped , starring at Freya who was now on the ground bleeding , trying to hold onto life .

I gritted my teeth bitting on my lip hard as well as my whole body ached , not being able to hold it up from all the pain it was feeling .

As best as I could I walked towards Freya knowing what I had to do . And knowing damn well what it would cost . But for Jaxon I'd do this and more .

My Destined Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now