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Jaxon's POV

As soon as I realized what Souline was doing I tried to stop her , I saw her walking towards Freya and I knew I had to stop her .

She was too weak , she was going to hurt herself ... or much worse get herself killed .

" Souline " I called out to her but she ignored me.

I saw her look at her brothers , and right there I knew. She was saying goodbye .

I started running to her but she did to me what she did to her brothers and froze me . She made sure I wouldn't move .

I watched as she took a breath in and started , she started shaking from the pain , you could see it in her face .

All I could do was call out to her , hoping she would stop . But I know her ... and my Souline always puts others before her .

I saw her shaking more , she was trying to scream but she couldn't , it was like she was so weak she couldn't even scream.

I cried out to her as I saw her look up at me , our eyes connecting . She whispered " I love you " before I saw her Falling back her body hitting the floor .

I felt the spell being lifted and I ran too her and fell down beside her as I grabbed her and pulled her to me as I hugged her and cried .

But she was limp in my arms , I looked down at her and saw how pale my baby had gotten . Her face was also thinner and covered in cuts and bruises and some scars .

My beautiful Souline still looked gorgeous . I brought my hand to her neck to feel for a pulse and felt a faint one .

I had hope , she could not be gone . We needed to grow old together , have kids . And watch our kids grow and watch them find there mates and have there own kids.

I gripped her tighter to me as I cried , the ache in my chest getting unbearable . I had a huge empty whole in my heart.

I picked her up as I felt my heart breaking at how light she felt.

I looked over to see my brothers with Freya , I made sure she was ok before going to the witch who would teleport us to our pack hospital.

I nodded at her as she grabbed me and soon we were In front of the pack doctor . I ran inside as I looked for the doctor .

He saw me and quickly ran to me and showed me what direction to go in . I carefully laid her down on the bed as he pushed me out the way as nurses started rushing in .

Somehow I ended up outside the room , all I could do was stare at the ground as I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks.

I heard people rushing in causing me to look up , it was all of her family and all of mine . My mother came up to me and hugged me as I cried .

I could see her mom and sisters crying , and even my sisters were crying .

I saw the doctor come out from a different room I was just in.

" Freya is completely fine , there is no permanent damage . She should be up in a couple hours " he said .

" what about Souline " I heard Madelyn ask.

" We are still working on her we will be out as soon as we can " he said before walking back in with Souline .

I ran my hand through my hair pulling the ends of it . What would I do without her , I still need to apologize.

I never got the chance to apologize...

We all looked up as the doctor came out her room , with a bothered look.

" what's wrong " asked Selleste

" S-She was pregnant " he cautiously said .

And right there in that moment my heart stopped , I suddenly couldn't breath .

I heard many gasps around me , and I heard as people started to cry .

" Is the baby ok " I asked

" the babies are fine , I don't know how but they will be ok " said the doctor .

" babies ? " asked Soulines mom .

" yes , she's pregnant with twins " he said .

Next thing you know the monitor flatlines in the room as doctors start rushing in . I try and go after him to see her , to make sure she's ok .

But I get pulled back , all I feel is hands on me as I start seeing red .

The pain I currently feel is a pain I've never felt before , I feel like a piece of my heart was just ripped out .

" Let go of me " I growl out as my wolf has now come out .

I fall to the ground gripping my chest , scratching at it . Not knowing what to do to get rid of the pain i was currently feeling .

The doctor comes out , head bowed as he shakes his head and looks up at us sadly .

" I'm sorry , we tried everything we could " he whispered sadly at the loss of his queen .

As soon as those words left his mouth Odysseus took over and shifted and ran out the hospital doors as he let out a pain filled howl .

How could this have happened , I failed her .

Our babies .... I failed them too .

I failed her as a mate , instead of loving her like I was supposed to at the beginning I rejected her , I caused her pain and pushed her away . And even after everything she still gave me a chance . And I failed her again .

She got taken , I had promised her I would protect her . and I let her get taken right under my nose .

I ran through the woods , and went onto no mans land where I knew there would be rouges , and I killed , I killed everything in my path and felt no remorse .

I was seeing red , I felt pain and anger .

" She's gone " whispered Odysseus

" she's gone " I whispered back .

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