First day back

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Souline's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm , I sighed as I turned it off and got up to get ready for school I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror .

I looked pale , I had dark circles under my eyes and my eyes didn't have the light in them that they always did .

I sighed and finished what I had to do in the bathroom then changed into some white sweats a white cropped hoodie and some white Nike air forces . I didn't have the energy to dress up so I grabbed my stuff and headed down stairs and into the kitchen where everyone else was eating .

As soon as I walked in everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me .

" Good morning sweetie , how are u feeling " asked my mom with a smile but sadness in her eyes .

"Good morning , I'm good mom "I said with a smile but in reality I wanted to tell her how bad I felt . 

I looked at what she had and I looked at usually I would have devoured a whole plate . But today I didn't feel like eating I wasn't hungry so I waited for them to be finish eating in the living room .

I sat there starring at the wall till something came up to my head . I got up and went back to the kitchen as everyone was walking out .

Hey when's the ball ?? I asked my mom

"This weekend , and it's going to be held by the witches this year " said my mom

Ok goodbye I'll see y'all after school .

I was Kind of excited because that meant I would see my other grandma the witch queen . And when me and my grandmas got together it was never good .

I walked out to my car and got in as my Sister got in and so did Asher and Ares .

"Umm why aren't y'all taking a third car ? "I asked my brothers who has gotten in the back .

" Because we didn't feel like it now drive or else we are all going to be late sister " said Asher

I sighed and just drove knowing why they were doing this I listened to the music as my brothers talked about some game that they watched last night .

I saw the school building coming up and I began to feel nervous , oh god this was a terrible idea I should have stayed home . I rubbed my hands on my sweats as they started to feel sweaty . I could feel my wolf pacing in my head and my vampire was as nervous as I was .

I pulled into my parking spot and turned off my car and just sat there trying to force myself out of the car .

Ok Souline ... breath in , breath out , breath in , breath-

"Souline are you going to get out " asked Asher

Y-Yea I'm coming , I said nervously

I took one last breath and then stepped out the car , I looked outside and saw that all our friends were here .

I could feel tingles which meant that jaxon was somewhere looking at me , Just the thought of him looking at made me shiver .

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I was tackled in a hug by Sophie and Madelyn .

" Omg where have you Been soul " asked Sophie

" yea we missed you , don't do that to us ever again " said Madelyn

" Sorry I was busy "  I said hugging them back

While they talked about who knows what I could feel his stare and I could smell his amazing scent which I had missed , I slowly started relaxing just from his scent I could feel him getting closer so I decided it was the times for me to leave .

As I felt him join us , I just walked away without saying anything to my siblings . I could tell he was about to say something but I don't have the strength to sit there and listen to him talk when all I want to do is be in his arms and cry for all the pain he's caused me .

I sighed as I got further away from him and walked in through the front doors as I heard nick calling me .

I felt guilty for ignoring him , but I didn't want to look back if I did I would look at him , and I couldn't take it .

As I walked in to my first class I looked up at the clock and noticed I'm in 35 mins early . I just went plugged in my headphones and starting working on some work . As I was finishing up my last page I was going to do , everyone started walking in I decided to look out the window and out into the forest .

I was so busy in my thoughts , that I didn't notice that my siblings and friends had came In and Ares was trying to get my attention . 

" Souline Luna Mikealson! "

" W-What , sorry I was thinking . What do you want Ares " I asked my brother

" I was asking why you just left like that , nick was calling you " said Ares

" No reason , I just wanted to finish work "  I said while I got up to turn work in . I left it on her desk and turned around to walk back to my seat when Jaxon walked in and we bumped into each other him knocking me down but before I touched the ground he caught me and helped me up .

I felt the sparks stronger then ever making me gasp They felt so good , so right, Just how it felt right being in his arms .

T-Thanks , I breathed out and walked to my seat I could feel him walking behind me looking at the back of my head .

I sat down and I looked at my sisters who were giving me worried looks , I just gave them a reassuring smile as I looked out the window for the rest of class while he looked at me .

It was finally lunch time and we all sat down everyone had food but me , once again I wasn't feeling hungry and I was feeling nauseous from all the nerves I was getting from him sitting right in front of me .

I was quiet the whole time and in my own world , from across the room I could feel Ms.Bimbo glaring at me , But I choose to ignore her and just listened to what these people were talking about .

" So where y'all invited to the royal ball " asked Lucas

We all tensed up as he asked the question , No one said anything so I rolled my eyes and answered him .

Yes , we were invited . I said talking for the first time .

" omg yay , now we can all go shopping for our ball dresses " said Sophie

No one knew we were royalty except our own family's , everyone else thinks we are your normal everyday Wolfe's But how wrong they were . Usually they would be able to feel the power coming from us but my mom being a witch did a spell to hide the power , and to hide my dads vampire scent and my witch and vampire as well .

I just smiled as we all got up to go to gym class .

We walked into the lockers to put on the gym uniforms we all walked out and we saw the boys so we walked to them . I could feel people looking at me up and down and it made me feel uncomfortable and apparently Jaxon saw too because he let out a low growl making people bow to him except me and my family  , He looked at us confused and I just rolled my eyes and sat down on the ground near the bleachers .  Soon the teacher walked in and spilt us into groups I was stuck with Jaxon of course , cause apparently we can't seem to stay away from each other Madelyn and Ares .

The class continued and the whole time we had to be touching each other due to Ares and Madelyn working together . 
As soon as class finished I changed and speed walked to my car . I was feeling so overwhelmed from all the sparks and tingles that were going up my arms . I saw him come towards me and he looked like he wanted to talk to me but I ignored him and continued to the car and waited for everyone to come out because apparently we were all going to the mall .

As soon as everyone that was going in the car with me got in I pulled out and drove to the mall with people following me and some in front .

I sighed as I thought about having to spend more time with my mate , being out through that pain and not being able to be in his arms .

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