Hurtful words

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Souline's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my self start to wake up , I groaned as the lights hit my eyes .
Soon I heard them turn off .

I opened my eyes and saw Jaxon sitting down beside me looking at me worriedly .

" W-what happened " I asked him quietly

" you were attacked " he said

As soon as he said that the memories came rushing back in as I rushed up remembering what Derek had said .

" hey hey baby calm down " he said

I just looked up at him as he was talking .

" I- I was so scared souline , what if I hadn't gotten there when I did . That man could have killed you "  he said as he kneeled in front of me .

He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes .

" I would have not been able to live with myself if I had lost you "  he said as he pulled me into him as he hugged me inhaling my scent .

He pulled me from him and we stared into each others eyes soon we found ourselves leaning in and soon our lips were touching .

I could feel sparks all over my body , Athena was in my head howling in joy. I wanted to pull away and tell him no , but i couldn't and instead decided to enjoy this kiss I was getting from my mate .

Soon he pulled me into him and sat down with me straddling his lap . I pushed myself closer trying to enjoy this moment I was having with him. I ran my hands through his hair pulling at the bottoms of it as I heard him let out a small growl .

" SOULINE , WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING NOW " asked Ares from the door

I quickly pulled myself from Jaxon almost falling in the process but Jaxon caught me and helped me up .

" Ares it's not what it looks like " i told him as I chased him out the door .

" then what is it souline , you have a whole mate out there " he said angrily

" I know but - " I began to say but he caught me off .

" but what souline , you've been acting like a whore " he said angrily

Making everyone else in the living room gasp .

" is that why your mate rejected you ? Because you were whoring around with the alpha king " he said

I heard everyone gasp at his harsh words , and I could see my sisters start to get up and make there way towards me . I also saw Jaxon tense up beside me and I could see him began to shake .

" Ares , you don't mean that " i told him sadly

" you've caused us trouble your whole life , and now we are going to have to worry about you when he gets tired of you and dumps you , if I were your mate I would have rejected you too for whoring around with him and for all the trouble that comes with being around you " he said harshly

But as soon as he said all that, I saw regret flash through his eyes .

" S-Souline , Im sorry I-I didn't mean that " he said walking towards me .


I could see my mate shaking from anger .

But I couldn't be here anymore , with my magic I caused the door to fly open and as everyone turned there heads to look what the noise was I teleported out of there and into the tree house .

As soon as I was in the tree house I broke down crying , I was crying because I was rejected , I was crying because my twin brother thought this of me , and because Derek had found me which meant I probably had to leave soon . And this time I would be leaving alone .

Athena started whining in my head at the thought of leaving her mate behind . But she knew that he and everyone else would be safer if I left , they were all happy here . We had never fit in anywhere like this and I couldn't take them away .

I could feel the air picking up around me as my emotions were getting out of hand .

" souline calm down " I heard Stella say in my head

" I-I can't , I'm scared . I don't want to go back " I told her through tears .

I could feel people trying to mind link me but I had my wall up .

I didn't want to go back to Derek , I couldn't . I can't go back this time he has me it's going to be way worse . He already tried it once .

When I was 14 I was kidnapped by him , and I was there for almost a whole month . He beat me up every day , and had me chained and would inject different things into me to keep my witch , Stella and Athena down. And before he had the chance to rape me my dad rescued me , but that didn't stop him from touching me . Im just glad he didn't take all of me with him .

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard a noise from under the tree house .

I was getting ready to attack when I saw my mates head pop in through the door .

" Oh my god , what are u doing here Jaxon you scared me " I told him as I put my hand to my chest.

" I wasn't going to let u be alone out here when there's a man looking for you " he said

" h-how did u find me " i told him with confusion in my voice

" your my mate souline , I just went where the mate bond told me to go " he said

" oh " i told him quietly as I sat down at the window that looked out into the lake .

" i had threats coming in " he said

I looked up at him confused

" someone was leaving threats with dead bodies from my pack, they somehow knew you were my mate and they threatened you and my sister . I had to reject you soul or my sister would be dead , and then they'd come after you " he said while looking at me

I looked up at him shocked , as i felt a little bit of hope . Maybe he did want to be with me but wouldn't because of the threats .

" so you do want me ? " I asked him quietly with hope

" of course I want you Souline , but for now we need to figure out who has been doing this , and who they are also looking for " he said

" what do you mean , who they are looking for " i asked him

" they said we had someone they wanted " he said looking at me with thought

My eyes went wide at that ... so they had known i was here for a while now the question is why did they take so long to show themselves .

" what's going to happen with us " I said looking at him with sadness

" I don't know souline , but for now no one can see we are together " he said

" but I- " I started to say but he caught me off with a sweet gentle kiss.

He pulled back from the kiss and pulled me to him so I was laying on him with my head on his chest .

" shhh souline , I should have told you earlier I'm sorry . But I thought you would be safer if you didn't know , but guess I was wrong " he said pulling me closer to him if that was even possible he kissed my forehead as I saw him start to close his eyes and soon I followed .

And that night I got the best sleep I had gotten in a while and from how he looked it was also the best sleep he had gotten in a while .

With that I inhaled his intoxicating scent and cuddled closer to him so my face was in his neck as I fell asleep .

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