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Souline's POV

I woke up to the sound of people laughing down stairs , I looked at the clock and noticed it was 11:30 . I quickly got up and got in the shower to make sure I didn't have any blood from last night. Because if my brothers found out they would fucking kill me .

As soon as I got out the shower I changed into a stripped dress and added a black hat to the outfit . I made sure to grab my sunglasses and my Phone as I made my way to the stairs.

" Your finally up " said Madelyn as she handed me a plate of food.

" Yea , couldn't sleep " I told her as I sat down near Ares .

I looked around and noticed none of my brothers were looking at me and my sisters were giving me a face , Which meant they knew. I sighed as I ate the fruit on my plate . Oh the talk I was about to get ..

I looked up and my eyes connected with Jaxon's , I just rolled my eyes at him as I chewed on a piece of bacon .

" So what are we doing first " I asked.

" Shopping " shrieked the girls .

I just nodded my head as I went to dump the rest of the food on my plate seeing as I wouldn't be able to eat anymore. I washed my Plate and the dishes in the sink While everyone else finished eating.

" Lets go " I heard someone yell . I grabbed the phone off the counter and let out a groan as I remembered I had left my purse in my room. I quickly tried to run up the stairs but ended up tripping on a step and was on the way down towards the floor but someone pulled me back and stopped me from falling .

as soon as I felt the tingles I yanked my arm back and continued on my way to my room , I looked around searching for my Bag and finally I saw it by the window I quickly grabbed it and teleported outside the front door . I swear sometimes I forget I can do this.

I Looked around and of course the only available spot was the passenger seat beside Jaxon I rolled my eyes and got in as I buckled my seat belt and leaned my head against the window.

After a very awkward Car ride We finally got to the shopping center and I got out the car I walked towards the door but I felt someone put there arm around me.

" So where did you go last night " Asked Asher.

" What do you mean " I asked as I looked up at him.

" You know exactly what I mean Souline , cut the bullshit " He said

" I went for a walk by the beach I couldn't sleep " I told him

" Come on we all know that isn't true " Said Nick as he opened the door for everyone

" But it is " I told him as I went in and tried to walk away.

" Souline how many fucking times do we have to tell you not to do that shit " whisper yelled Elijah

" I was hungry " I told them .

" We don't care what you were , you know not to go alone " said Nick .

I looked around and noticed it was me and my brothers and they were surrounding me , and I could see Jaxon looking at us with curiosity ignoring completely what ever his sisters were saying .

" I was hungry , I couldn't wait any longer . " I mumbled .

" Why did you have to be the vampi- " started Ares .

" yea that's what I always ask myself " I told them angrily as I pushed them out the way and stormed past Jaxon.
As I passed him I made sure to grab his sisters .

" there's this amazing store , y'all are going to love it ! " I told them as I pulled them towards my sisters. 

We walked into the cute little boutique and looked around , I saw a cute bathing suit , but decided against it .

After 20 minutes of us being in there they were getting ready to pay , so I grabbed this cute matching dress that would go with my baby girl. 

After getting dirty looks from the cashier I was finally out the store where everyone else was waiting for me .

We continued to look around until finally everyone decided they wanted to head back and spend the afternoon at the beach .

We finally all got home and I went up to my room and sat down on the ground looking at all the stuff I had gotten for myself and my babies .

I was looking down smiling at the cute baby clothes when the door opened causing me to look up . My eyes met Jaxon's and I just ignored him and continued on folding the clothes I had gotten .

" Souline " he sighed .

But I just ignored him and continued to put the stuff back in the bag . I felt my babies kick , they always know when there daddy is close . Too bad he doesn't believe these babies are his .

After just standing there he grabbed some shorts and went into the bathroom , soon he came out in just some shorts and walked out . But I made sure to look at the beautiful man in front of me before he was completely out the door .

I decided to say fuck it and I put on a yellow two piece bathing suit , I made sure to grab a cardigan and put it over the bathing suit . I kept my fair down how it was , I grabbed my sunglasses and made my way down the stairs .

" ohh look at that belly " I heard someone say

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" ohh look at that belly " I heard someone say . I looked up and saw Liam .

" Liam " I said with a smile .

" You look beautiful " he said .

" Thank you Liam " I said hugging him .

" is everyone else down at the beach " I asked noticing no one else was around .

" yea , come on let's go " he said as he grabbed my arm and we walked towards the beach.

" remember the summers we would spend here "he asked.

" yes , and when we would sneak out and get in trouble " I told him laughing at the memories.

" Good times " he said as he put his arm over my shoulder as we both continued to laugh .

" OH SEXY MOMMA " I heard someone yell .

I just laughed as Freya came up to me and touched my belly .

" I can't wait till they are here " she said .

" me either " I told her smiling .

I looked to my right to look at Liam and noticed he was looking at me with a sad face , and from where he was looking he had seen something .

I just sighed , this is what everyone is going to look at me like .

I went to one of the tanning chairs and laid down and closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of the ocean , I breathed in and out breathing along with the sounds around me .

My favorite place will always be the beach , it relaxes me so much.  I could feel them looking at me so I just continued to keep my eyes closed . But the eyes that I could feel burning Into me where his .

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