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Valentina's p.o.v

 Not everyone gets justice. I know that now. All the charges against Blake was dropped, surprise, surprise. I would've loved to confront her and try to get her to confess on camera, but she's not stupid.

    Also what about my dad? If Blake knows my dad is a dirty cop, then she would get off anyway. My dad tampered with the evidence. 

 I didn't wanna let this go, it bothered me deeply. It's been one whole year since this took place and I was getting ready to move.

  I've been accepted into a small community college a few hours away. I didn't wanna live in a dorm, but I didn't wanna stay with my dad either. I've never talked to him about what I saw.

 Months ago, I went back into his room to do some more snooping and came up empty handed. My dad's and I relationship has been rocky since he became a police officer anyway. 

 Always late nights, early mornings and he seemed to look much older than he is.

   I walked across the stage with the rest of my class for graduation. I didn't take Taylor's advice and do online school. To be honest, I tried coming up with plans that would land Blake in jail for everything she's done. I wasn't successful. 

 Luckily, I haven't heard anything from Blake since the phone call in the parking lot. I was super glad to be done with high school. 

   Taylor never did come back to school after Zane and her friends beat her up.

Speaking of Taylor, her and I have gotten closer, like a lot closer. She is my girlfriend now. I never thought I would have my first girlfriend. 

 Two years ago, I had identified as straight....and now I have a girlfriend. It's only been two weeks, but we will be going to the same college.

  I knew we had feelings for each other and after a few dates we decided to become a couple. I've grown a lot in the past year. 

Macy and Brian became a couple as well. Macy was no longer super shy and Brian was a good guy, so I'm happy for them. 

  Zane......never came back to school after junior year. In fact, I've never heard about Zane the whole time. I was happy her and her twin sister Blake were no longer at school, but it was very quiet. No one knew where either of them was, it was like they disappeared.

   I was currently packing boxes and finishing cleaning my room. I was 18 years old now, and felt so good to be an adult. I did quit my job of course since I'm moving. It'll be a nice refreshing start. Taylor and I later on was going to a movie. Taylor still wasn't invited over because of my dad and that's been irritating but no worries, I'll soon have my own place and I can make my own rules.

    There was a knock on the door. 

"Val?" My dad called. I sighed deeply. "Yes?" I call back. The door opens, and he comes into my room with a big smile on his face and a camera in his hand. "Are you excited? My baby girl is going off to college!"He says happily. He takes a few pictures of me.

  I return the smile, knowing I happy to just get away from him. All I can see when I look at him is a dirty cop. 

  "Yes dad, I am. I'm going get these boxes in my jeep and leave in about 20 minutes," I tell him.

His smile slowly disappears. "I was thinking we could get some lunch before you go," He says disappointed. "This is a big day!"

  "Sorry dad, I'm going to see Taylor. Since she's not allowed over here," I respond irritated. 

"Fine Val, you're acting like a jerk. You only get one dad," He says. I roll my eyes. 

   "Well, you can always call me or text me while I'm out. However, letting Taylor over here would be easier," I say dryly, knowing it's not going to happen. 

My dad leaves and I just sit on my bed, reflecting how crazy and unfair life has been. 

    I grabbed a box, and started making my way to my jeep. It was a beautiful day, with the sun shining. I popped the trunk open and put the box in. I noticed lights in the reflection of the trunk. 

 Turning around, I saw a police car pulling up behind me with the lights on. I gulped. Oh boy this wasn't going to be good. 

Two officers got out of the car. I watched them, as they walked up to the front door and knocked on it. Announcing themselves, I watch as they wait. 

  My dad answers, and doesn't look happy. The officers and my dad exchange words. My dad starts yelling, and I can see his eyes tearing up. He steps off the porch and turns around.

  I make eye contact with him as the officers put cuffs on him. He looked very upset as the officers start walking him to the car. I watch in silence, knowing this would eventually happen.

My dad gives me a half smile. "It'll be okay, Val. I just need to clear some things" He says as the cop walks him to the car. 

 I nod, watching him sit in the back of the police car. We make eye contact and he mouths the words 'I love you.'

   I mouth the words back, but I'm not the best liar. I do love my dad, but I knew I had a guilty expression on my face. 

 My dad must have sensed it as well. His face turned from sadness to anger. The cops had gotten into the car and backed out of the drive way. 

  I watched my dad yell, however I couldn't hear a word he was saying. When the police car disappeared, I just stood there in silence. 

   My dad was going to find out the truth eventually. 

 I thought the anonymous tip  line was actually anonymous, but I guess not. I knew my dad would be upset, but at the end of the day he'll forgive me because I'm his daughter.

   Also what he did wasn't right, and with him in custody.....soon Blake will be in jail too. 

 Taylor will get her justice after all. I walked slowly back inside my house to get more boxes. 

   I'm so ready to start my new adventure in life. 

College, here I come. 

--------THE END--------

AUTHOR's note:

I'm sooooo happy to complete this story! I am just super happy! Thanks for the reads and votes! SEE YOU IN THE NEXT BOOK ;) xoxoxo MYA 


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