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Valentina p.o.v.

I was laying down on my bed at 5 o'clock in the morning, staring at the ceiling. I barely could sleep. After the kiss yesterday, I couldn't take my mind off of it.

I was too stunned to say anything, and Blake for once didn't say anything stupid. She just grabbed her stuff and left without saying a word.

My room still smelled of her cologne.

Her overpowering yet very sweet smelling cologne.

I thought about skipping school today, not sure if I wanted to face her or not.

We only had two classes together, maybe I could just skip gym and english.



I mentally slapped myself, we still had to finish the project and we have haven't even started.

I made up my mind yesterday night, that I'll just do the project on my own. The project was basically about writing a report on a famous english book or play.

Like the play Romeo or Juliet or anything like that. I didn't worry too much, English class was always a piece of cake for me.

I looked at my alarm clock on my bedroom dresser. 5:30, It read.

The bus doesn't come until 7:40, but I always like waking up early. My dad sensed that something was wrong, but I couldn't tell him, he wouldn't understand. At least I don't think so.

Avoid Blake, or go to school?

I had to admit, Blake was right when she said I was a teacher's pet. I just liked to learn and get my work done on time.

Who would've guessed that on the third week of school, I would be questioning my sexuality.

I got up regretfully and made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I put a little makeup on consisting of eyeliner and a little brown eyeshadow to make my eyes pop a little.

I noticed how my eyes were very dull compared to Blake's. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

I got to get her off my mind.

That kiss yesterday....does that mean I liked it? I decided to do the project by myself, so does that mean I did?

Emotions feel like a slow river filled with honey. (That line is fucking poetry haha)

After putting on my makeup I decided to curl my short black hair. It stopped at my shoulders. Then I went to back to my room to find some clothes.

I decided on a matching red jumpsuit with blue and green stripes running down the sides. I paired those up with some green adidas.

I heard a knock at the door and soon heard my dad's voice. "Hey honey, I'm going to go to work." He said sounding cheerful, he loved his job teaching loud noisy trouble makers at the school.

"Okay, bye dad!" I yelled back.

I checked the clock again, 7:30am.

Just ten minutes to spare.

I grabbed my bookbag, gym clothes and got a quick breakfast sandwich and left to catch the bus.

I had my permit, but I never got around to getting my license.


Remind me why we never went and got our license? I asked myself, while walking off the bus.

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