Waking up

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Taylor's p.o.v.

Pain, lights, and more pain.

I struggled to open my eyes, feeling pain all over. My leg and stomach hurts the most and I wanted something fast for the pain.

I finally got my eyes open, blinking fast to adjust to the light. Looking up at the ceiling, I could tell I was in a hospital.

I wonder how long I'v been in here. I tried to move my head, wincing slightly. My body felt like it hasn't moved in days. I managed to look over to my left to see a sleeping Brian slouched over in a chair. He looked like he haven't slept for days.

His hair was messy, his hands were in his pockets, and he was breathing softly.

I tried to crack a smile. He was such a good friend.

I tried turning my head to the other side to look for my parents. But I didn't see anyone. Disappointed, I huffed to myself and stared at the ceiling again.

How did I end up here?

I could barely move a muscle, I really wanted to fall back to sleep.

Turning to the left again, I watched Brian sleeping some more.

Should I wake him up? He looked exhausted, feelings of guilt rushed over me. This is all my fault. Whatever happened, I'm pretty sure I caused it.

A tear ran down my cheek, and down my neck. I just wanted to go home.

Where are my parents?

There was a button on the bed, close by my hands.

My fingers inched towards it, slowly. If I could push that button, it would alert the nurses that I'm awake.

My throat could use some water.

After thirty minutes, it seemed pointless. But I was close.

After forty five minutes, I managed to push the button.

Nothing happened.

I pressed it again, just in case.

Suddenly the door shot open, revealing a doctor and two other nurses.

The male doctor seemed surprise I was awake and quickly came towards me. The nurses came to my bedside, checking my vitals, pulses, and all the other stuff nurses check for on patients.

"Well, goodmorning!" He said with a smile. He had a fiery red beard, glasses and a bald head. His name tag read Morris.

I tried to crack a smile, and whispered. "Morning." I really needed that water.

Dr. Morris seemed to sense that, and he told the nurse to get me a cup of water.

There was movement from the left. Brian was waking up. His eyes were bloodshot, and he sat up a little.

Dr.Morris faced him, "Goodmorning to you too! Our friend is awake."

Brian glanced at him, then turned to face me. We made eye contact and I gave a very weak smile. He was silent, his eyes almost closing again.

"Taylor...you're awake," He said softly. I didn't wanna say much until I get my water.

Dr. Morris spent the next few minutes explaining that I've been shot once, during a robbery in my home.

He said the bullet was out, and it's just a matter of healing now. Which should take about 2 full months of recovery, plus therapy if needed.

I mentally groaned. Guess my cheerleading days are over for now.

I tuned him out for a second, thinking to what I could remember. Not very much.

Was I at home alone? Who tried to rob my home?

Why was I shot ?

Is my family okay? ........ Where is my family?

"An officer is outside, wanting to speak to you. I'll let him in when you had a little more rest and some water," Dr. Morris said. "Also, I'll let your parents know of the news."

I mumbled a soft okay and he left the room, after checking everything on me.

A nurse came in a few minutes later with water.

She helped me sit up against the bed and put water to my lips for me to drink. My throat welcomed the water happily.

The cool refreshing liquid made me feel a little better already.

I thanked her, and she left. Leaving Brian and I alone.

Brian scooted his chair close to me. Putting a hand on mine. "How are you feeling?"

I faced him and forced a smile.

"I've had better days," I replied. He continued to stare at me, rubbing my hands.

He looked like he was holding something back. Something big.

However, he kept rubbing my hands with his. Smiling softly at me with sad, tired eyes.

I studied him for the moment and asked, "What happened?"

He didn't respond at first. He bit his lip nervously, shaking his head.

"I think you should focus on getting better." He said not making eye contact with me.

Despite being in pain, I was starting to feel frustrated. I wanted to know badly.

My memory seemed a little foggy.

Before I could say a word, an police officer walked in.

He's a very attractive guy, I noticed right away. He had black hair, smooth skin, and was pretty tall. He looked around 30's or 40's.

His name tag read Nicolas.

"Hello, My name is Officer Nicolas, Are you up for talking?" He asked. " I need to find out who did this to you. Can you tell me what happened?"

He had a clip small notepad in his hand and a pen.

I yawned, and shook my head no. I didn't wanna talk to anyone right now.

Besides Brian.

He nodded slowly. "Completely understand, I'll come back tommorow to see if you're up for it."

"Okay," I mumbled. Brian's touch on my hands felt soothing.

"Is there anything else you can tell me right now? " Officer Nicholas asked. I shook my head no again.

He hesitated to leave, clearly not believing me. After a minute or two he left. I turned towards Brian again.

He gave me a small smile, which I didn't return.

What in the world was he hiding from me?


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