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Valentina's p.o.v

Bowling was pretty fun. Thankfully Blake and her crew didn't come up and start any trouble.

While we were walking out of the bowling alley, Brian decided to ride with Macy and her car to get some smoothies.

I just decided to head home. I had fun, but it feels like it's been a long day.

Just as I was walking to my jeep, I heard footsteps close behind me, gaining fast.

In a flash, I pulled out my pocket knife that I always keep on me (because I watch too much crime television) and turned around; putting the knife quickly behind my back just in case.

Blake stood 2 feet in front of me, looking very amused.

I quickly folded the knife and put it in my back pocket before she could see it.

I looked around the parking lot, noticing how my jeep and her red Mustang were the only vehicles in the parking lot.

"Did I scare you?" Blake asked giving a sly smile.

I didn't know why she was talking to me. Doesn't she have a girlfriend or something? I don't even trust her anymore.

"What do you want?" I asked straight away.

"Why the attitude? We haven't talked in weeks, and I wanted to see how you were adjusting to school?"

I studied her eyes trying to see if I could find a reason she could be lying.

It was getting dark outside, and her eyes just seemed like a darker green. She had her hands in her pocket, and her hair was down, almost covering one eye.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked, crossing my arms. Adjusting to school, my ass.

I wasn't jealous, but I refuse to be the "other" woman.

"Don't have one. Like I told you before, Taylor was only on and off here and there. We're just friends now." Blake said slowly. Her lips turned down into a frown, as she tried to convince me.

I guess she was trying to convince me with her eyes or something, but I just wanted to go home.

I didn't even know if I could believe her, and there were so many unanswered questions.

I looked back over at her Mustang, which was surrounded by her crew, laughing and playing around.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "How is it that your on and off girlfriend are over after one full year of bliss?" I asked with heavy sarcasm rolling off my tongue.

Blake looked a little irritated with me, and she scratched her head, looking up at the sky for a brief moment.

"Taylor is a little hard-headed when it comes to knowing the word no," Blake said replied, shaking her head.

I took a small step back, inching closer to my jeep. I didn't wanna hear any more of this, I was too tired at this point to care, not to mention it was really cold out here.

Blake noticed instantly and took a step forward. "What's wrong?" She looked hurt, and so sexy at the same time. I mentally groaned.

Why is it so hard to ignore people who look so good? I was honestly a little glad that she was talking to me, and I was a little happy that she was officially done with Taylor.....at least that's what she says.

However, I can not trust her just yet.

I leaned against my jeep and looked at her with tired eyes. "Listen, Blake, it's late and I wanna go home. You still have my number so text that."

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