The unexpected

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Valentina's p.o.v.

Winter break could not have come sooner. I finished the homework I was given by Brian (who I was not talking to at the moment) and I just wanted to relax. It was only the third day of winter break.

Currently, I was in the living room laying down on the couch, staring at the ceiling. I tried to clear my head, but I couldn't stop thinking of how after two weeks, I'll be sitting by Blake in English class.

My mind kept wandering to the first day of school. She seemed so nice....and cocky. But I thought she seemed nice enough to be a friend.

I thought about her birthday party. Maybe even more than friends.

Inwardly I groaned, I'm not gay. But she made me feel like I've been gay all my life.

I ran a hand down across my face, I'm supposed to be relaxing. Thankfully the bruise on my cheek was barely noticeable now.

A ringing noise went off, scaring the crap out of me. I looked across the room at my phone on the floor buzzing and flashing a white light. I had thrown it on the floor to force myself to relax.

Who was calling me?

I stared at it for a second from the couch. I really didn't wanna get up. I twisted my arm like something from Harry Potter hoping I could magically make it come to me.

It stopped buzzing and the light went off.

I shrugged and closed my eyes. If it's important they'll call back.

Not a minute later, the phone rang again. "Ughhh!" I sat up looking across the room. This couch was really comfortable.

Slowly I crawled off the couch, towards my phone.

Maybe it was something important.

I reached my phone picking it up. I was not very happy right now.

Macy, the caller ID said.

We have never talked on the phone before.

My phone kept ringing and I answered the call sceptical. What could she want? I thought.

Don't get me wrong, we're friends, but we are not close.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Valentina, did you hear? Oh my god, everyone is talking about it,"Macy was rambling on and on about something.

I removed the phone from my ear and stared at it. Did I get off of my comfortable couch for gossip?

I placed the phone back to my ear. "Channel 5! Turn it on now!!" She yelled sounding frantic.

I couldn't make out the tone of her voice, she seemed very excited, but I didn't know if it was good or bad.

I got off the floor and looked for the remote for the living room tv. Macy kept repeating oh my god, oh my god.

I pressed the remote power button and turned the channels until I got to channel 5.

My face twisted in confusion. "The news channel?" I asked confused. "Do you see it?!" Macy yelled.

There was a reporter outside of a home in a rundown neighboorhood. That house looked familiar.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as I watched. The phone dropped out of my hands as I turned up the volume to hear the reporter better.

"The police are still looking for the person who broke in late at night and shot at a high school student name Taylor Williams. Her family, however, was not harmed but were sleeping when the gunshot went off. The police are looking for any leads. They are not sure of the motive and don't currently have any suspects. Taylor is currently at the hospital, no word on how she's doing just yet. If you have any information about this please call 748-393-3837."

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