English Class with Blake

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Valentina p.o.v. (point of view )

I walked about a foot away from her as she walked to english class. I just did not want to get caught up in a really bad situation on the first day of school.

Believe me, she was giving some bad girl vibes.

I heard the second bell ring meaning in about a few seconds we were going to be late. I noticed how slow Blake was walking and said "Can we go a little faster? I know it's first day and all, but I really wanna make a good impression."

She suddenly stopped and turned around. She cocked her head to the side and smirked. "What are you, a teacher's pet? "

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I couldn't tell if she was trying to be rude or funny.

But I hated that smirk on her face, and being around her didn't feel too great.

Even if she did smelled good.

"I'm not a teacher's pet Blake, I just wanna get to class on time. Is that a crime?" I walked past her. I seen a sign above a class room that said Mr. Coleman's class. I smiled relieved to get away from Blake and headed in that direction.

"Where are you going?" Blake asked.

What does she mean where am I going? I turned in her direction and pointed at the Mr.Coleman sign with a duh look on my face.

I watch her eyes dart to the sign and then to me. "That's not his room. There are two Mr. Coleman's in this school. I was here the year prior, so I know almost all the rooms."

Blake smiled at me and began to walk in a different direction, "Clearly you think you can handle being on your own, so good luck with finding his actual room," Blake smiled and gave a small wave, her long brown ponytail swished back and forth as she walked away.

I looked back at the room and then at her, slightly panicking. I didn't wanna be left alone, and this school was huge!

I instantly regretted it and felt pretty bad for being kind of rude to her when she tried to help me.

I did a little jog to catch up with her. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment. "Sorry, " I whispered.

She didn't say anything but I'm pretty sure she heard me.

"Soooo....what brings you to this school cupcake?" She asked.

I decided not to say anything about that stupid nickname and just tried to be nice.

"My parents got a divorce a couple of years ago, and my dad got a new job so I moved in with him."

"I'm sorry about your parents," Blake said sweetly. I took a glanced at her and she seemed to really mean it, no sarcasm and no playfulness.

"Don't be, they were a bad match from the start," I responded flatly.

As we walk I notice, the halls started to clear, leaving literally just Blake and me walking down the hall.

"How far is Mr. Coleman's class?" I ask. I did not want to be the last person walking in a room again.

"It's just down the hall and to the right....this is a big school."

I nod in agreement.

"So what happened to your mom?" Blake questions.

"Someone is curious about my life I see," I smile at her being playful. She laughs a little but keeps looking straight ahead as we walk the hallways.

Maybe she is not so bad, she is being pretty nice to me.

"My mom is a bank manager, but we do not talk. After the much-needed divorce, I got to chose who I wanted to live with and I decided my dad because my mom is....to say the least...a bitch." I said bitterly.

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