Girlfriend pt2.

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My socials: Snapchat: foxycaramelxo


twitter: chocolatefoxyx
YouTube: livingasmyaann

Valentina's p.o.v.

I paced around back and forth in my room. If my dad found out I skipped class he would probably take away the jeep I just got.

I was beyond pissed. Why did it feel like I got played?

I thought maybe I was gay because of Blake, and that maybe we started liking each other. But now....?

I have no idea. I was even more confused than before.

I sat down at the edge of my bed and stared at the floor. Fuck this school, I thought angrily in my head. How was I suppose to last the rest of the year?

The worse part was that I was supposed to graduate from this school as well.

Taylor's face appeared in my mind. She was wearing her cheerleading outfit, with her arms still folded and a huge evil grin on her face.

Even if what she's saying is true, why would she confront me? Why not Blake? I didn't even know they were seeing each other. When I told her this she looked at me like I was crazy.

But then again, Blake is super popular, just about everyone knows her.

I laid flat on my bed, bringing my knees up to my chest. What was I going to do now? I didn't want to face Blake, and I definitely did not want to run into that Taylor chick again.


I sat up, reaching for my phone that was in my pocket.


Opening my phone, I saw two text notifications.

The first one was from Blake. A sour laugh escaped my lips as I rolled my eyes. Regretfully, I then opened it up.

We need to talk. It read.

"Oh really? Whatever about?" I mocked out loud. There was nothing she could say, she was clearly a cheater, and her face of guilt was enough to convince me.

Ignoring the text, I opened the second one. It was from Brian.

My face lit up a little bit, feeling glad he was finally talking to me.

Are you coming back to school? It read.

I narrowed my eyes slightly, and read it again. How does he know I was even in school, to begin with?

Inwardly I groaned. I'm probably being talked about around school. Anything involving Blake is always talked about.

I took a deep breath and decided to respond with a quick yes. I couldn't let Blake stop me from getting good grades in school.

Also, I wasn't a coward, so it was time to face the music. The little break that I was having, did help me a lot.

Getting off my bed, I grabbed my keys and my bookbag so I could go back to school.

As I opened my front door, a car pulled in directly behind my jeep, blocking me from pulling out.

I stopped in my tracks, wanting to instantly run inside. But my feet felt glued to the sidewalk and I tried to think of what to say.

I watched as she got out of the car, and slowly started to walk towards me. Her long stupid really good looking hair blew in the wind, making her look like one of those models standing next to a huge fan.

Anger suddenly rushed in, and I did know what to say and exactly what I was about to do.

She stood almost right in front of me and was quiet for a second. It felt like she was studying me before speaking.

"Valentina I---,"


I didn't give her time to finish her sentence as my hand collided with her face. My chest was heaving up and down, as I tried to fight back tears.

Blake held her cheek and looked down for a moment before looking up and reaching my eyes.

Her eyes held sadness and guilt.

One of my many sayings is that if someone cheats on one person, they will probably cheat on you too.

"Valentina, let me explain---," She tried again.

I tried to move past her as I looked the other way, avoiding eye contact.

She moved in front of me, placing her hands on my shoulder, slightly pushing me back.

I took a step back, taking her hands off me with a disgusted look on my face. "You got two seconds," I said with clenched teeth. It didn't seem like I had a choice.

"Like I was trying to tell you, Taylor and I are not dating," She said fast, looking at me with worried eyes. "And don't ever slap me."

"Ha!" I instantly replied chuckling. Did she expect me to believe that crap?

I gave her a yeah right face, closing my eyes and opening them slowly to be a little dramatic.

"It's true, we were dating for a while on and off, but we stopped seeing each other when she went to cheerleading camp," Blake tried to convince me.

At this point, I felt like I couldn't care less. Just when I start to think I may like her, this happens. And I am not in the mood to have all this drama for the rest of the year.

I looked at Blake, as she rocked back and forth on her feet. Her hands were stuffed in her pockets as she stared back at me.

"If that's true how come you didn't stand up for me in the bathroom?" I questioned.

Blake was silent, her hand stretched behind her neck as she scratched nervously. "I just didn't know what to do. I was going to tell you about Taylor eventually since she could be a handful, but I didn't think she was coming back from cheerleading camp that soon."

For some reason, I believed her. I didn't know Taylor that well, but it did seem that way. Like the stereotype cheerleader who thinks they're all that and then some. Miss I'm going to ruin your life if you don't bow to me, that sort of thing.

When I didn't say anything, Blake mumbled. "Can I get another chance, please? I know that seemed bad, and I'm not a player, contrary to popular belief."

I did want to give her another chance, but at the same time, I didn't. It still seemed to be a little suspicious.

I didn't want this Taylor chick after me. I wanted to know what I would be up against because it didn't seem like she wanted me to even breathe the same air as Blake.

I gave Blake a sarcastic half smile and shrugged. "Yeah, sure, whatever." This time I got past Blake and walked over to my jeep.

I heard footsteps fast behind me and watched as Blake ran to my jeep front door and opened it for me.

She smiled showing her perfect set of white teeth. I shook my head, thinking how cheesy she looked.

After she closed my door, I watched as she got into her Mustang. As she backed out of the driveway, I thought over what she said.

Her explanation could be right. After all, we weren't dating or anything serious, so I couldn't blame her for not telling me about Taylor.

The only thing that would be a deal breaker, is if she was messing with Taylor and me around the same time.

I heard a honk and saw Blake looking at me in her car, which was already out of the driveway. I started my jeep and pulled out, making sure to focus on the road.

One thing for sure, we weren't 100% cool just yet, but I was going to try to make sure that I didn't run back to my house every time there was a problem.

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