The Truth

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Valentina's p.o.v.

Taylor had a scared expression as I drove her home. I couldn't blame her, but she looked like she had seen a ghost. The ride was deathly quiet.

When I pulled up to her home, she practically flew out of my jeep and ran inside her house, leaving my jeep door open.

I sighed as I jumped out to close the door. I looked back towards Taylor's house, noticing how she was already gone.

With winter break 3 days away, I really didn't even wanna go to school, knowing what Blake had done. I sat in my jeep for a few seconds taking some deep breaths.

Is Blake really as dangerous as people are saying? She must have anger issues....right? Or maybe Taylor and Macy hit her first and she just got the upper hand?

Majority people seemed to like her, I didn't get it. My head was starting to hurt, so I started driving home.

I felt really worried, my hands were getting sweaty just thinking about the situation. My fingers pressed a button that rolled down the windows, letting some cool air.

My first instinct was to stay away from Blake. My second was to go home and lay down. My foot eased on the brake, slowing down just a few feet away from my house.

There was another car in the driveway.

A red mustang.

My eyes travelled to my front door seeing Blake standing there on her phone talking. Our eyes connected, and for a moment it was like I forgot how to breathe.

She had an unreadable expression, but she stood there all alone watching me intently. It was too late to drive away.

Besides this was my house, and my dad was working. I parked right beside her mustang and got out slowly.

My fist clenched my keys, and I closed the door. I walked slowly towards my front door. My eyes never left Blake's.

I stopped suddenly as she lowered her phone and walked towards me. I really wanted to run inside the house and hide. Fear washed over me knowing what she could be capable of if Taylor was right.

"Hi," I squeaked. Clearing my throat, I looked around seeing nothing but empty streets and no people.

It was just Blake and I, in front of my driveway. The wind blew, reminding me of how cold it was outside.

Blake gave a small smile. "Hey, I was um wondering if you liked to go somewhere? Maybe grab a bite to eat?"

My eyebrows scrunched up and I let out an annoyed deep breath. She couldn't be serious.

"No thanks," I replied, starting to walk towards the front door.

Blake moved to the side blocking my path.

This was getting old, I thought to myself.

"Why?" She asked.

I didn't wanna have this conversation, so I folded my arms and glared at her.

"Because I said so ," I responded, highly irritated at this point. My head was killing me and she is the last person I wanna speak to right now.

Blake's smile disappeared. "I think I deserve an explanation." I was taken back and scoffed.

If anyone deserved an explanation it was me.

"I've been friendly to you since you first got here. But now you wanna act like a bitch, and pretend I don't exist---,"

"What did you just call me?" I said slowly, not believing my ears. She wants to play victim??

Blake shook her head and continued. "Look all I'm saying is that I can't have someone making me look stupid in front of the school, my friends or just in general."

She paused and looked around, taking a step closer. "You need to watch that little attitude of yours. I'm just trying to be your friend."

Her eyes travelled up and down my body. She smirked. "Or maybe a little more."

I don't know where my confidence came from, but I took a step towards her, closing very little space we already had and said the two words that make everyone wanna fight.

"Or what? "

Before I blinked, I was on the ground. My keys left my hands and I could feel my cheek hit the ground. My teeth rattled as I tried to catch my breath. The eyes felt like they were spinning.

She just slapped me.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion. I grabbed my cheek, fearful. I looked up at Blake.

She had a hurtful expression on her face, she bent down and grabbed my arm trying to help me up. I was laying on the ground still, my head throbbing now.

She just slapped me.

Taylor and Macy.

Blake was saying something but I wasn't listening.

When I finally tuned in, she was speaking frantically.

"Get up, get up! I didn't mean to do that, I'm so sorry." She tried to pull me up, but I backed away on the ground.

She was looking around seeing if anyone was watching.

She just slapped me.

I finally found my voice. "You do nothing but go around and hit people!" I shouted.

Blake reached out to me, but I backed away, trying to stand up.

"Valentina, I swear I've never done that before. I just got upset, I just felt disrespected. I have a reputation to uphold. I can't look like a punk, letting people say whatever to me---"

She continued to ramble.

I stood up and ran to my front door. "Valentina!" She yelled after me.

"You're a lier Blake, a filthy lier. You hit Macy and abused Taylor." I looked for house keys in panic.

"I never did that," Blake argued.

I suddenly paused and looked at her. My eyes started to water.

She seems like she even believes that.

Her eyes looked at the ground, darting from side to side. She seems like she was in deep thought. "Where did you hear that?" She asked in a low voice.

I don't know why but I was suddenly scared as shit.

Just a minute ago she was shouting, now her voice was calm and deeper.

  This girl has serious issues.

"No one," I gulped. I finally found my house keys.

Blake looked up fast. "Lier.....tell me where did you hear that." Her green eyes got darker as they narrowed.

I felt frozen at first, but then she started walking towards me and I was brought back to reality.

I put the house key in the door and turned it; just as Blake was coming closer. I got into the house and closed it quickly behind me.

My back was turned towards the door in fright, quickly locking it. The door shook as Blake tried to open it. "Val, let's talk, please?! Come on, I'm sorry! " Blake pounded on the door a couple of times.

I closed my eyes, silently hoping she would go away.

After about 7 minutes, it was quiet.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked outside the peephole.

Blake was gone.

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