6. The Bermuda Triangle

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No one knew what the hell was happening. One second, the captain was telling them that the flight was drawing close to the Bermuda Triangle, and the next second, before they could even complete a single scream, they were inside the ocean. 

Everything inside the flight was ripped off its screws. People were floating everywhere, as if there wasn't any gravitational force anymore. The only good thing about the whole situation was that the water hadn't entered the flight yet. 

Taehyung and Jimin didn't let go of each other. They had a death grip on their interlocked hands and didn't dare to let go, no matter what happened. 

People kept screaming non-stop. None of them could stop to take a breath. It was too scary. Without warning, the flight gave another violent jerk and all of them got vacuumed to one end of the flight, as if the gravitational force suddenly grew ten times more intense. 

Taehyung looked at Jimin. Somewhere in the middle of the chaos, he had earned a deep gash on his neck. And that gash broke Taehyung's heart. 

For a second, he couldn't think about the situation that he was in. The only thing on his mind was the fact that Jimin had a horrifyingly deep gash on his neck and that he somehow wanted to heal it. 

But the next second, he was yanked out of his thoughts by yet another violent jerk. This time, the plane burst into pieces, leaving the people right in the middle of the whirlpool. But no matter what other people did, Taehyung and Jimin didn't let go of each other. 

Jimin looked at Taehyung with tears in his eyes. Taehyung couldn't tell if the water in his eyes were tears or if it was just the sea water. But it surely did look like Jimin was crying. 

Jimin wished he had the ability to control the situation and bring the metal back into place and into the sky with all of them in it. He wished he could control the things around him. He couldn't bear to see the pain on Taehyung's face. 

They knew they were drowning. They knew they couldn't do anything else. The whirlpool was pulling them in effectively and they could feel it in their bones. There was nothing they could do about it. 

Jimin brought his other hand up and held Taehyung's other hand as well. In the midst of the chaos, he could only think of the fact that he was dying without completing his research. Without letting his best friend know that he loved him with his whole heart. 

"I love you" he mouthed. "I love you too"  Taehyung mouthed back and held him tight as their bodies neared the eye of the whirlpool. 

Jimin neither had the time, nor the presence of mind to wonder how in the hell they were able to breathe underwater. Their panic of being sucked into the whirlpool and the thought of dying soon overpowered every other rational part of them. 

None of the other passengers seemed to have realized the fact that they were able to breathe underwater either. 

Taehyung and Jimin's feet finally hit the eye of the whirlpool and the wind got knocked out of them suddenly. It was as if they had no organs inside them anymore. 

Out of fear, they tightened their hold on each others' hands. They didn't want to let go of each other in such a situation. 

"Eomma, I love you. Appa, I love you. Bogummie hyung, I love you. I'm sorry for dying on you. I'm sorry for not finishing my research. I r-really wanted to...k-know......more.....Oryn........Jeon Jeongguk......Jeon...d-dynas-" 

Taehyung's eyes rolled back into his head. He didn't get to complete his last thought. Jimin's thoughts ran along in the same direction as well. 

"Eomma, Appa, I love you. Please don't miss me too much. Sorry for not being able to call you after reaching Korea, B-Bogum hyung, but I lo-love you. I'm sorry, T-Taehyungie....you really wanted to....finish...research....Jeon Jeongguk....Oryn...sixteenth centu-" 

Jimin gave up on the fight against letting his eyes close, not noticing the fact that they were being yanked somewhere else even after entering the eye of the whirlpool. 

Neither of them noticed the fact that the other passengers weren't around them anymore, even though they entered the eye of the whirlpool right after them. 

The only thing that remained unchanged was the death grip on each others' hands. 

They remained unconscious for almost a week and a half before finding themselves in the middle of a lake with water all around them and a very vague memory of them being in a plane. 

In the panic of being surrounded by water, Taehyung didn't even realize that he was letting go of Jimin, who wasn't as good of a swimmer as he was. 

After a bit of a struggle, he managed to reach the land, leaving Jimin in the water. By the time Jimin reached the land, Taehyung was no where to be seen. Instead, two weirdly dressed guards caught him right away and dragged him towards the tents that were a few meters away from the lake. 

He had no idea why he was here in a weird place full of tents and injured people when he clearly remembered being on a plane. 

The gash on his neck hurt like a bitch, but he had no time to think about it. He had to figure out what the hell was happening. He tried to struggle out of their grip, but they tugged him harder towards the tent that seemed to be the biggest one out of all the tents that were present in the arena. 

"Let go, you mofos!! What the fuck?!!?!" he kept yelling at them, but he suddenly heard the voice of a person that he had been dying to see since the second he reached the land. "JIMINIE!!!!" Taehyung yelled.

Jimin whipped his head towards Taehyung with huge, relieved eyes. "TAEHYUNG!!" he yelled, successfully breaking out of the guards' hold and running towards Taehyung.

"Yo, what the fuck is happening here?!" he whispered to Taehyung. "I have no fucking idea. The only thing I know is that there is some drama shooting going on and that these people are mistaking us for the actors in these roles" Taehyung whispered back. 

Before Jimin could process what Taehyung had just said, a handsome man with a deep gash on his forearm yelled at them and called them 'peasants'. That drove Jimin crazy and he yelled back at that man and asked him to shut up and know his place. 

It took a long time for Jimin to realize the fact that the people around them weren't acting. But by then, the two of them had already yelled a lot at the King and the General of the Kingdom. 

As a result, they were now in a small cell in the dungeons with a torn mat to sleep on and a bowl, that resembled a modern dog bowl, to eat from. 

It had taken a couple of days for them to remember everything that had happened before and after the crash. It did bother Taehyung for a while that he would have kept his mouth shut in front of the King if he had remembered all the events that had happened after they had taken off. 

But nonetheless, they finally knew for sure that it was because of the Bermuda Triangle that they were in Oryn, in the sixteenth century, under the rule of the twelfth King of the Jeon dynasty, Jeon Jeongguk. 

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