23. Guilt

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"She is alright, Your Majesty. Nothing major. She seems to have eaten something that her body doesn't accept. Do you perhaps know if she has any allergies?" Physician Cha asked. 

Jeongguk frowned for a second before it hit him like a truck. 


He knew that his wife was allergic to peanuts. Yet, he had forgotten about it and had brought sweets made from peanuts to his room and had asked her to have a few. As such moments were very rare, Jeongyeon accepted them from the King without reminding him of her allergy. 

"Oh god," Jeongguk mumbled, "she had peanuts the other day." 

"Ohh. We will have to wait until they are out of her body, Your Majesty. I have given something for her to stop feeling the pain in her stomach, though" Physician Cha said and bowed to Jeongguk. 

"Thank you" Jeongguk said and dismissed him before entering his room. Guilt made his stomach drop to his knees as he stared at his wife's sickly appearance. He walked forward and sat on the bed, next to Jeongyeon's head. 

"I am sorry" he said. Jeongyeon frowned at him. "You should have reminded me that you were allergic to peanuts" he said, feeling extremely guilty for what he had done. 

"You never do things like that for me, so I couldn't lose the chance" Jeongyeon said, her words sounding slightly slurred, making Jeongguk feel worse if that was even possible. 

He took a deep breath and patted her hand gently. "Take some rest. Good night" he said and walked out of his room. Before he realized where he was heading to, his legs had carried him to the lake that he had shown to Taehyung the previous day. 

He sat down under the tree he always liked to sit under and stared at the beautiful lake. 

He had always felt guilty about the fact that he had basically ruined Jeongyeon's chance of finding a better husband for herself just because he needed a wife to be able to ascend the throne. She deserved a lot better than a husband who didn't love her. She deserved a lot more love than that. 

But she became a victim to the Kingdom politics of Oryn and that was something that always bothered not just Jeongguk, but every other person that knew about their unhappy married life. Neither was he happy, nor was his wife happy. 

Suddenly, a thought of why he couldn't get his wife pregnant made him scowl. He looked down at himself and frowned harder. They had been doing 'it' for almost a year now and he still couldn't get her pregnant. 


He needed a heir anyway, and even if he didn't love his wife, he was supposed to produce a male heir soon if he didn't want other Kingdoms to attack his Kingdom for being heirless.

As it is, according to his spy, the Ministers of the Royal Court of Alyndus were planning to start a rebellion and he didn't want to give them more reason to rebel harder. 

No one knew what happened to the Queen and the Crown Prince of Alyndus. After the death of the King, His Majesty Seo Dae Shin, no one knew anything about the whereabouts of Her Majesty Seo Hyojoo and His Highness Seo Dae Hyun. They could secretly be leading the Ministers' rebellion plans for all he knew. 

Jeongguk took a deep breath and released it before rubbing his face roughly. Now that Seokjin started to cough again, he knew that there was very little chance for it to not turn big like it always did. 

He needed to send a delegation to Alyndus to discuss the needs of the Ministers if he needed to put a pause to their plans and he couldn't ask Seokjin to lead them. He knew that his oldest hyung needed rest now or he would soon be lying on his bed, struggling to breathe. 

That left him with only one option. 

He had to ask Namjoon to lead the delegation. As Hoseok still couldn't come out of his room, he had to leave the responsibility totally on Namjoon's shoulders. 

He sighed again and directed his thoughts towards the conversation he had had the previous night with Taehyung. 

A half of his mind still felt disgusted at the thought of a man liking a man. He didn't even want to think how they would get intimate with each other. His whole body shuddered the second his mind wandered anywhere close to fucking a man. 

"What has you shuddering so hard?" the familiar deep voice sounded behind him, cutting through the pleasant silence and making him jump. 

"Uhh? Umm...nothing" Jeongguk said and watched as Taehyung flopped down next to him. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "Just wanted to enjoy the lake view. What about you? Is something bothering you?" Taehyung asked, remembering how Jeongguk had said the previous night that he came to the lake whenever everything became too much for him. 

"Umm....just Kingdom politics" Jeongguk said and sighed again. "Ohh" Taehyung said. "How's the Queen?" he asked, making Jeongguk scoff. "I always keep forgetting that you don't have the manners of our century" he said. 

"Why?" Taehyung chuckled, "what did I say wrong?" 

"You have to say 'Her Majesty'. Not 'the Queen' "Jeongguk said. 

"Ahh, okay, okay, how's HeR MaJeStY?" Taehyung mocked, making Jeongguk laugh out loud and stare at him, thinking of how fun Taehyung was to be around. 

He was all that Jeongguk had ever wanted to be ever since his childhood. But being brought up as a member of the Royal Family meant being tied down by a bazillion number of rules and regulations about how a Prince must behave to maintain his image among the people. 

Taehyung was soo carefree and there was no rule that was tying him down. He spoke what came to his mind and kept it light. Jeongguk liked that. He wished he could be like that as well. 

"-o!...Yo!...YO!!" Taehyung yelled, waving his hand in front of Jeongguk, who had spaced out staring at him. "Huh?" Jeongguk shook his head roughly and brought himself out of the thoughts that were rapidly pulling him in like a quicksand. 

"Yah!! Leave it, this isn't gonna work. Come with me, let's have a walk around the lake" Taehyung said, hopping up and pulling a shocked Jeongguk along with him. 

"Yah? YAH???!!" Jeongguk asked as he stumbled behind Taehyung, feeling outrageous at the disrespect oozing out of him. 

"Just shut up and follow me" Taehyung said and turned around to stick his tongue out at the King. 

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