35. Disgusting!

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Okay, so here, before calling them homophobic, stop and understand that these people didn't tell them anything about being gay and all and directly sprung the news on them. They don't know that something called lgbt exists and it's natural for them to oppose. They are not being homophobic. They just don't know. 


"HOLD ON!!!!" Seokjin yelled, slamming his hand on the table to bring everyone out of their chaos. "What on earth do you mean you asked him to be your consort?!?! He is a man, for god's sake!!" he exclaimed loudly, earning two loud 'EXACTLY!!'s from Hoseok and Yoongi. 

"I know!! I have eyes!! I know he is a man!! And I love him!!" Jeongguk exclaimed dramatically. 

"Well, I love him too, Jeongguk!! But do you see me asking him to be my husband?! You are a man, he is a man, a man and a man cannot be together!! That's it!! I don't even know why you are bringing this up!!" Hoseok exclaimed loudly, slamming the table repeatedly with his fist. 

Jimin and Taehyung remained silent, knowing it would be better if they didn't butt their heads in at this moment. They totally understood Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi's shock and confusion. They didn't even know such a thing existed. It was natural for them to oppose. 

"Who said they can't?! I can, Taehyung can, we can!! We are living examples for it!!" Jeongguk exclaimed, raising his voice once again. 

"Shut up, Jeongguk!! I don't want to hear another disgusting word from that disgusting mouth of yours!! Don't talk to me until you sort this mess out!" Seokjin exclaimed, his voice going louder than Jeongguk and drowning everyone's voice out. He got up and stomped out of the dining room angrily. 

Yoongi got up as well and threw an angry look at Taehyung before following Seokjin. Jeongguk sighed and looked down at his lap. He had no idea how to handle the situation anymore. He thought it would be enough if he got Jeongyeon's opinion about the matter, but after watching his hyungs storm out of the room, he realized that he should have waited a little longer. 

"Relax. I will go and talk to Seokjin hyung and Tae will talk to Yoongi hyung. You talk to Hobi hyung" Jimin said and ran out the room along with Taehyung. 

Hoseok bounced his leg impatiently with his hands crossed against his chest and an eyebrow high up on his forehead. He wanted to leave the room as well, but he didn't want to make Jeongguk feel pathetic. He was their maknae, after all. 

"Hyung....." Jeongguk started, but Hoseok didn't respond. He couldn't find it in him to respond to it. Instead, he stayed silent and waited for Jeongguk to continue on his own and thus, Jeongguk launched into an explanation of the whole thing once again. 

"This is the reason why I couldn't get satisfied by Jeongie no matter how hard she tried, hyung. I know it is weird, but I can't help it. Are you really going to outcast me because of what my body and mind likes? Something that I don't have a control on?" he asked at the end of his explanation. 

Hoseok still didn't reply. No matter how much he thought, he just couldn't accept the fact that Jeongguk claimed to love a man. He had already asked him to be his consort and the man had agreed to it. 

How can this even happen?! What were the people going to think? What were the Ministers going to think? The Palace would collapse at this rate. 

"Hyung, I know what you are thinking, but I will figure something out. Please don't oppose this marriage, hyung" Jeongguk said. 

Hoseok looked up from his lap and turned his head to the opposite side and took another loud, deep breath. 

"Please, hyung" Jeongguk said, giving him the last small push that was required. 

Hoseok glared at the wall before running his tongue across his cheek. Why was he reacting so horribly to this news? What business did he have to destroy his dongsaeng's happiness? If Jeongguk was confident about getting everything under control, who was he to stop him from marrying the person he loved? 

He wasn't going to support it. That was for sure. Even the thought of two men doing things together disgusted him. But he decided not to oppose it either. As it is, he had no right to interfere in the King's life. 

"Alright," he said after a while, "but don't expect me to support such a filthy thing." 

Jeongguk let out a deep breath in relief and smiled widely. "Thank you, hyung. Thank you so much. I will change your mind, hyung. I will change it for sure. Like I said, it is something natural. It's not like I am doing this on purpose" he said. 

Hoseok looked at him for a second before looking away once again. 

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes, "just eat your dinner" he said and picked his chopsticks back up once again. 

It wasn't long before Seokjin and Yoongi walked into the dining hall with expressions similar to that of Hoseok. 

Taehyung and Jimin walked in behind them and gave Jeongguk a small smile and a quick thumbs up, making Jeongguk smile once again. 

Now all that was left was to convince his mother and Namjoon. 

"Ohh, I forgot! Namjoon hyung sent me a letter this morning. I got too busy with other things and forgot to read it. It's in the courtroom" Jeongguk said and ordered one of the guards to bring him the letter from the courtroom. 

Seokjin didn't even bother to stop eating when the guard returned with the letter. It wasn't like he cared, anyway. After what happened the day before Namjoon left for Alyndus, he couldn't care less even if Namjoon's chariot returned with Namjoon's body in it. It was as if he didn't even have a brother. 

"Hyung, you don't wanna know what's in it?" Jimin asked, standing behind Hoseok, Jeongguk and Yoongi along with Taehyung to get a better view of the beautifully calligraphed letter. 

Seokjin looked up from his plate with an eyebrow raised. "Your brother sent a letter" Jimin said. Seokjin ran his tongue across the inside of his upper lip before rolling his eyes and slamming his chopsticks down on the table, making a few of them flinch. 

"Do I look like I care?" he asked. 

"Seeing you getting all worked up about it, it does look like you care, hyung" Jimin said softly. 

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