26. Sword fight

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"Tae!" Jimin yelled, skidding to a stop in front of Taehyung and bending forward to catch his breath. "What happened?!" Taehyung asked, looking at Jimin worriedly. "They.......I....c-come with me!" Jimin gasped and grabbed Taehyung's wrist, making him drop his grinding stone.

"Careful!!" Taehyung exclaimed, pulling his hand out of Jimin's grip and placing the herbs and the book that he was practicing from back in the shelf.

"Hurry!!" Jimin exclaimed. "What happened?!" Taehyung asked again. "Jeongguk and Namjoon hyung are having a sword fight. I asked them to wait for you" Jimin said, still gasping slightly for breath.

"What?!" Taehyung exclaimed, his eyes widening with excitement. "SWORD FIGHT!!!" Jimin exclaimed. "LET'S GO!!!!" Taehyung yelled and pushed Jimin forward. They all but ran to the arena and found Jeongguk and Namjoon warming themselves up.

"We're back!" Jimin yelled and gave Jeongguk a thumbs up before walking towards Seokjin, who was sitting in between Yoongi and Hoseok.

"Ohh? You are out of your room?" Taehyung asked Hoseok. "Yes. Yoongi hyung helped me out" Hoseok said, adding a chuckle at the end. "Nice, nice. Kudos on your freedom, hyung" Taehyung said with a grin.


"Ahh, he meant congratulations" Jimin said and burst out laughing, making Taehyung burst out as well. "Ohh. Thank you" Hoseok said and gave them a weird look, but the two of them were too busy laughing to notice him.

"I still can't believe you actually told JK the meaning of fuck" Jimin whispered into Taehyung's ears and burst out laughing once again. "What else was I supposed to say??" Taehyung asked and joined him in his laughter.

Before Jimin could reply, Yoongi cut them off by hissing loudly and placing a finger on his lips. "It is going to start" he said, making the two of them look up at Jeongguk and Namjoon, who stood in front of each other with their swords making a cross and their eyes boring holes into each other.

"Get ready to lose, Your Majesty" Namjoon said mockingly. "Let's see about that, Hyung-nim" replied Jungkook with a smirk and an equal amount of mockery. 

The two of them circled each other without losing eye contact. Within the blink of an eye, all that the others could hear were the clanging of the swords and the grunts of the fighting men. 

Never in their lives did Jimin and Taehyung think they would be able to see two real warriors wield swords at each other. But now that they were, they couldn't stop the adrenaline in their body from rushing up and making them restless on their seats. All of them unconsciously moved to the edge of their seats and held their breath in anticipation.

For the first few seconds, all Jeongguk did was to duck all of Namjoon's strikes. When Taehyung concluded that Jeongguk's technique was to tire the opponent out without actually attacking them, Jeongguk proved him wrong by beginning to attack Namjoon fiercely, eliciting an excited gasp from him and his best friend.

The two of them moved back and forth while striking at each other. Jeongguk took a couple of steps backwards and pounced onto Namjoon with his sword held above his head. Namjoon, who had anticipated the move, brought his sword above his head horizontally and blocked Jeongguk's attack and thrust his sword forward, sending Jeongguk reeling back a couple of steps. 

"Your head seems to be somewhere else" Namjoon said, pointing his sword at Jeongguk and smirking down at him. Jeongguk rolled his eyes and swatted the sword away with his. 

"Can't they use wooden swords? What if they hurt each other?" Jimin asked Seokjin. "Only cowards use wooden swords" Hoseok said before Seokjin could open his mouth. 'Damn them and their prides' Taehyung thought as he looked back at the two men in the arena.

They started the duel again. This time, Jeongguk made fiercer moves, eluding all the hacks and slashes while counter striking Namjoon. He swung the sword straight at Namjoon, who bent backward and used the momentum to swing his sword at Jeongguk's legs. Jeongguk jumped up with a gasp and tried to avoid it by trying to land next to Namjoon. 

"Your skills have gotten better, hyung" he said, panting for a breath before jumping back to his feet and adjusting his stance. 

"So have yours" Namjoon said and brought his sword down without a warning, which Jeongguk barely managed to parry. 

"I call!" Jeongguk exclaimed, panting heavily and falling onto his back. Jimin and Taehyung gasped collectively while Seokjin tilted his head down to hide his smile. Namjoon chuckled and threw his sword aside to help Jeongguk up.

"Ughhh, that was tiring" Jeongguk exclaimed as he flopped onto an empty seat next to Taehyung. "Do you want some water?" Taehyung asked him, ignoring the heat that was rising inside him due to the sweat on Jeongguk's body. 

"No, I'll drink later" Jeongguk said and sat up, running his hand through his sweaty hair while trying to ignore how Taehyung seemed to try to gobble him up with his eyes. 

"Are you alright?" Seokjin asked. "Ye-" Jeongguk shut up, realizing that the question wasn't meant for him. His eyes widened and he turned to look at Yoongi and Hoseok, who remained stunned in their seats. 

"Why do you care?" Namjoon snapped, throwing an annoyed glance at his older brother. 

Seokjin frowned at him. "Right. Why do I care about an adulterer?" he mumbled and got up from his seat, ready to exit the arena and get away from his horrible brother. 

"Excuse me?? What did you say?!" Namjoon asked, grabbing Seokjin's arm and turning him around harshly. He manhandled him roughly and held him up by his collar. "What on earth did you call me just now?" he asked, his eyes burning with a rage that he had kept hidden for almost three months until then. 

"Oh my god!"
"Oh, fuck!"

Everyone jumped up with varying degrees of horrified expressions while Hoseok tried to pry Namjoon's hands away from Seokjin's collar. 

Seokjin, who was faster and a hundred times angrier than Hoseok, managed to pry Namjoon's hands away from his collar and shoved him with enough force to send him tumbling down the couple of stairs.

"I CALLED YOU AN ADULTERER!! AM I WRONG??" he yelled as Namjoon fell.

"HYUNG!!" Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin yelled together and jumped forward to hold Seokjin back, while Yoongi and Hoseok ran down to help Namjoon up. 

"Let's just go. We can settle this later. Let's go" Yoongi said and tried to rush a raging Namjoon out of the arena. 

"LET ME GO!!" Namjoon yelled and used all of his force to get out of their grip. "I am not going to let him go today" he muttered as he ran up the stairs and grabbed his older brother once again by his collar. 

As Seokjin was already struggling to get out of Jeongguk, Taehyung and Jimin's grip, it didn't take Namjoon much effort to pull him out. 

"You guys stay out of it" he spat at them and turned towards his raging brother. "What's your problem, huh? What do you think of yourself?" he asked. 

Jeongguk turned to Yoongi and Hoseok desperately. 'What are we supposed to do?' he asked with his eyes. They shook their heads and asked him to stay silent. 

The brothers needed to sort it out, after all. If this fight was finally going to make them talk it out at the end, then the fight would be worth it. 

Neither of them knew why they fought in the first place, and seeing the way Namjoon reacted to just an insult, that too coming from his own brother, they realized that there was more to the insult than any of them knew. 

Thus, they realized that it would be best to let them sort it out in their own way and decided to stay in the arena just in case they decided to blow it up instead of sorting their problems out. 

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