48. Together

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A fly could have entered Taehyung's mouth and laid eggs all it wanted and Taehyung wouldn't even have noticed it until it was too late. 

He found it impossible to wrap his head around the fact that his husband just stepped down from the throne and declared Namjoon to be the next King when he was originally supposed to divorce Taehyung. 

He kept watching blankly as Jeongguk took his crown off and waited for Namjoon to step up to the throne before placing the crown on his head with a pleasant smile, but nothing registered into his brain. 

He broke out of his daze when everyone in the arena other than Jeongguk got down to their knees with their fisted right hands placed across their chests and their heads bowed ninety degrees down. 

He got down to his knees as well and followed everyone as people began to hail their new King. 

He looked up and noticed his husband and their new King exchange a long 'telepathic' look. He looked away from them and began to search for Seokjin. 

He had heard of the reason why the eleventh King had refused to crown Namjoon as the twelfth King. That it might bring problems among the brothers. 

But now as he looked at Seokjin, all he could see in his eyes was happiness that his brother became the King and sadness that his other brother was going to leave him. 

Was it even possible to be happy and sad for two different reasons at the same time? Were those tears in his eyes happy for his brother or sad for his half brother?

Seokjin slowly looked away from his brothers and turned to look at Taehyung. Taehyung froze when their eyes met, but relaxed when Seokjin gave him a smile. He smiled back and looked around. 

How long were the people going to stay on their knees? 

He frowned for a second before realizing that Namjoon was talking to his subjects. He tuned in and started paying attention to the speech which was nearing its end. 

"-along with my older brother Kim Seokjin, will do my best to rule this Kingdom and my subjects righteously" he finished it with a bow. 

Taehyung still didn't understand what was happening. He slowly realized that the King had left the arena and that the people were slowly starting to leave it too. It was then that he registered Jimin's calls as well. 

"YO, YOU MOFO!! GONE DEAF OR WHAT?! GET BACK HERE!!" Jimin yelled from the entrance. Taehyung rolled his eyes and started walking towards the gate, but got mauled by a giant bear half way through. 

"EOMMA!!!" he exclaimed loudly, and tried to fight it off, only to realize that it was his husband's limbs around him. 

"Yah!! Let me breathe!!" he exclaimed and pulled him off of him, but attacked him himself by jumping onto him excitedly. 

Jeongguk rolled his eyes with a happy scoff and caught his husband in his hands. "Now we can go home" he said with a smile. 

"Shut up" Taehyung muttered with a pout, making Jeongguk frown. 'He doesn't want me to go with him?' he thought. 


"I SAID SHUT UP!! SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!" Taehyung yelled with his head buried deep into Jeongguk's neck. 

Jeongguk looked more than bewildered, but shut his mouth the way his husband wanted him to. 

A click of a tongue behind him suddenly made him jump and turn around. Jimin stood in front of him with a smug smile. "You still don't know him, huh? The more he yells 'shut up', the more excited and overwhelmed he is" he said. 

It was only then that Jeongguk realized that a part of his dress around his neck was steadily getting wet. "Awwwwww, love, are you crying?" he cooed and got another wet 'SHUT UP' in return, making him chuckle heartily. 

"Oooooh, my big baby" he cooed again and patted Taehyung's back before walking towards his carriage with Taehyung still clinging to his front like a Koala. 

It took a couple of hours for Taehyung to calm down and make peace with the fact that Jeongguk had indeed renounced his position as the King of Oryn and that he didn't have a Kingdom to rule anymore and that he was going to go to the twenty first century with him. 

"Can you just pin-"

"Taehyung, I pinched you twelve times already!" Jeongguk exclaimed exasperatedly while snuggling Taehyung closer to him. 

"This could be a dre-"

"This isn't a dream, baby! I'm not gonna hurt you anymore, so no more pinching" Jeongguk said sternly. The two of them were back in the Palace and currently in their bedroom, on their bed, with their limbs tangled around each other. 


"No buts, love. Just. You. And. Me." Jeongguk whispered, moving his face closer and closer to Taehyung's face. "You are right" Taehyung widened his eyes and whispered back. "Just you and me. Forever." he said and moved forward. 

Jeongguk smiled and placed his hand on the back of Taehyung's neck. Before Taehyung could react to it, Jeongguk crashed his lips onto Taehyung's lips and began to suck on them immediately. 

Taehyung chuckled and sucked Jeongguk's non-existent upper lip back, making him grin into the kiss. The two of them moved against each other's lips skilfully as if they have been doing it all their lives. 

It was as if their lips were a pair of puzzle pieces brought together. 

As if their lips were made for each other. 

As if they were meant for each other. 

They spent few more hours in each other's arms, sharing small but hungry kisses with each other. They weren't in a hurry to tear each other apart anymore. They had all the time in the world with them, after all. 

After a while, Taehyung voiced out the one thought that had been bothering him until then. 

"So...you said the other day that Seokjin hyung might be jealous of the fact that you might crown Namjoon hyung as the crown prince, right? You don't have that feeling anymore?"

Jeongguk laughed at that. "We were all wrong about their fight. Apparently, Seokjin hyung saw In Guk Du assaulting his wife and assumed it to be Namjoon hyung. And because he didn't bring it up with anyone, we all thought that he was just jealous of Namjoon hyung. Just bad timing is all" he said. 

"Ohh. So they solved it out?" Taehyung asked. 

"Of course. Apparently, they had a long talk about the whole thing after Namjoon hyung 'died' " Jeongguk said, making air quotes for 'died'. 

"Namjoon hyung said that they had another huge fight after Namjoon hyung told Seokjin hyung that he thought hyung was jealous of him. Apparently, Seokjin hyung felt really bad that Namjoon hyung thought so low of him" he continued.

"Ohh....Seokjin hyung is the first person to rejoice the fact that his brother is going to be a King and Namjoon hyung was a fool to think otherwise" Taehyung said. 

"I know, right?" Jeongguk said and sighed. "I'm gonna miss all of them" he said. "Hmm. Me too" Taehyung said with a small pout. 

"But it's okay. I will have you with me. It will be worth it" Jeongguk said and bent down to kiss Taehyung's pout away. 

"Right" Taehyung said with a grin. "You will have me." 


Guys, I published a new werewolf book. Check it out if you want :D

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