25. I am sorry

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"C-Can we talk?" Jimin asked hesitantly a couple of days after Jeongguk's wedding anniversary. As Jeongyeon wasn't feeling well, Jeongguk didn't make a huge deal out of it. The two of them had visited Jeongyeon's Kingdom and Jeongguk had tried his best to be on his best behaviour that day. 

Taehyung stared wordlessly into Jimin's eyes, boring holes into them. It hurt a lot when Jimin ran away from him that night, but he had had enough time the previous week to cool down and think about it from Jimin's point of view as well. 

If he had been in Jimin's place, he would have felt pretty shocked and overwhelmed too, just like Jimin had felt. After giving it a lot of thought, he let go of his anger and simply waited for Jimin to approach him first. 

"Please" he whispered as he didn't want Jimin to hear the lump in his throat yet. He wanted to act like he was strong. But Jimin knew him too well to realize why he was whispering. He threw himself onto him immediately and started bawling his eyes out. 

"I am sorry, Taehyung, I am soo sorry, I shouldn't have left like that, but I was really very shocked. I r-really didn't expect you to like me and it was like a huge blow, but I shouldn't have ignored you for that and I am so sorry I did that. And I am sorry, Tae, I am straight. I can't like you back that way, I am soo so-"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh, d-don't apologize for being straight. Shhh. You are straight. You can't help it. It was my mistake for not sorting my feelings out earlier even when I knew you were straight. I am sorry for putting you in such a situation."

"No, you don't say sorry."

"Then you don't either." 


"Good. Jeongguk showed me a nice place. You wanna go there?" 


It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the lake. Jimin and Taehyung kept sniffling from time to time. Taehyung felt happy that Jimin didn't take too long to come back to him and apologize. 

"I missed you," Jimin said on the way. "Me too," Taehyung said, "where did you sleep all these days?" 

"In Seokjin hyung's guest room. You?" Jimin asked. "In Jeongguk's guest room," Taehyung said. 

"Ohh. You two became close, huh? I saw you two walk back to the Palace at the ass-crack of dawn" Jimin said just as they reached the lake, his voice carrying out and almost echoing in the silence of the lake's surroundings. 

"We did. We meet here almost once in two days, you know? I mean, he visits here almost once in two days and I've been coming here almost every night since that day, so we spent a lot of time together....and...." Taehyung trailed off, debating whether it was a good time to tell Jimin about his recent thoughts. 

"And?" Jimin asked. 

Taehyung sighed. Jimin was his best friend, after all. Who else would he share it with? "I think Jeongguk is making it easier for me to get over you" Taehyung said.

It took some time for Jimin to understand what Taehyung meant, but when he finally did, he jumped up with a loud squeal and a happy exclamation. "Really?!?!?!" he exclaimed, his eyes round and glowing with excitement. 

"Are you that happy about getting me off your back?" Taehyung asked, grimacing slightly and receiving a smack from Jimin. "You know that's not what I meant" Jimin said. 

"Yeah, yeah, I do. And yeah, really" Taehyung said shyly. "But it's just been a week, right?" Jimin asked. "Point number one, you started liking the Queen after talking to her just once. Point number two, even though it's just been a week, we've spent many hours together whenever we met here" Taehyung said. 

"Ooooooh, nice. Do you think he'll realize that he's gay?" Jimin asked. 

"I don't know. I did tell him about men being gay and all the other stuff. I gave him a lecture about how it wasn't wrong to like people of the same gender as us. Aaaaaannd he keeps staring at me like I'm his god or something, so I'm pretty sure he'll realize soon" Taehyung said. 

"Now you're getting ahead of yourself" Jimin pointed out. 

"No, I am not. You should see the way he stares at me at times. It creeps me out, you know? But it feels good too" Taehyung said. "Wow," Jimin whispered, "so that war prisoner he married is really you, huh?" 

"Now you are getting ahead of yourself" Taehyung said. 

Jimin rolled his eyes. "Fine. Let's wait and watch" he said. "Hmm. So when did you meet the Queen? I want details" Taehyung said.

"There are no details as such. Seokjin hyung asked me to pass a few documents to Jeongguk and when I went to his study, the guards said he retired early that day. So I went to his bedroom, but I heard him yell at Jeongyeon-ssi about her never being able to satisfy him. 

It was pretty ugly, you know? He kept yelling at her continuously and I felt really bad for her and wanted it to stop. So I knocked on the door and went in to give him the documents. Jeongyeon-ssi took the chance to run away from the room. 

When I got out of the mansion, I saw her crying in the garden and tried to comfort her a bit. After that, we talked for a while. That's all. But that small talk somehow made me fall flat for her. I can't understand how Jeongguk can't love such a person" Jimin said, his voice turning dreamy at the end. 

"Woah, woah, when did this happen?" Taehyung asked. "Lemme think......the day we met Chef In Guk Doo. I was going to tell you about it, but we got distracted by him and then I forgot about it" Jimin said. 


"Haa. Apparently, Jeongguk brought sweets for her and so she thought he would finally change, but the whole thing turned into an argument and then he started yelling at her as usual. I feel really bad for her, you know?" Jimin said. 

"Ohh. Me too. But I feel bad for Jeongguk too. Being tied to a woman when you are clearly gay and being forced to do everything with her even when your whole body says you don't wanna do it with her.......but then again, it isn't her fault either.....ughhhh why is this soo complicated?" Taehyung asked. 

"God knows. But I have to work on getting my feelings sorted too. I can't go on liking the Queen. I'll be beheaded before I can count to three if someone comes to know about it" Jimin said. 

"Yeah. That's why, shut your fucking mouth and stop mentioning her when you are talking about it. At least, let's use some code or something for her" Taehyung said. 

"Yeona?" Jimin asked. 

"Too obvious" 

"Right. JY? No one knows English" Jimin said. 

"Perfect. JY and JK" Taehyung said. 

"Perfect!!" Jimin exclaimed. "So, what else happened? Anything interesting?" he asked. 

"Nothing interesting, but I'm thinking of trying to find out what happened between Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung. 

Minho hyung was saying that they were joined at the hip until three months ago and that they stopped talking to each other out of the blue and that they suddenly couldn't even bear to stay in the same room. 

We know that too, though, the way they try to get out of the room if the other is present. He said no one knew what actually happened between them. Only that they fought. So I was thinking of doing something about it if possible" Taehyung said. 

"Woah, I didn't know all of this. When did you ask him?" Jimin asked. 

"The day before yesterday" 

"Ohh. Let's do our research, then"

"Yeah. Let's get it!" Taehyung exclaimed and kicked a stray stone. Jimin immediately ran forward to kick the stone next before Taehyung could, triggering his competitive side and making him run forward as well. 

Soon, they flopped onto the ground, gasping and panting for breath and laughing their heads off at their silliness. "Damn, I missed this" Taehyung said. "Me too" Jimin said and started laughing again. 

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