36. The letter

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"Do I look like I care?" Seokjin asked.

"Seeing you getting all worked up about it, it does look like you care, hyung" Jimin said softly. 

Seokjin rolled his eyes once again. "I don't care" he said. "Sure" Jimin said and looked down at the letter before deciding to read it out aloud. 

"Greetings, Your Maje-"

"I said I don't care" Seokjin cut him off. 

"I am reading this for Taehyung. He lost his lens in the ocean" Jimin said, receiving an eye roll and a small snicker from Taehyung. 

"Whatever" Seokjin said and continued to eat his food while everyone else in the room looked down to try and hide their smiles. 

"Okay, so here it goes. 

Greetings, Your Majesty, 

I hope everyone is doing well back in Oryn. My group and I are doing well. Alyndus is a beautiful Kingdom. Even though their King was greedy and wicked, he was very meticulous and I must give him credit for that. A certain someone who unfortunately shares my blood would love it here. 

Anyways, the Ministers here do not have any needs except for your head. They are not willing to yield to you and would love it if you gave up the Kingdom and let the Alyndus Prince take over. The Ministers over here speak very highly of His Highness Seo Dae Hyun and Her Majesty Seo Hyojoo. 

I can almost say with certainty that the two of them are leading the rebellion, but none of them are willing to disclose their whereabouts to us. We have tried our best to bring everything to peace, but nothing seems to work. Thus, we have decided to return to Oryn and might already be on the way by the time this letter reaches you. 

I could have told you about all of this in person, but there is one thing that I want you to look out for. Someone whose back looks like mine, apparently. That person is after the Royal Bloodline. I will tell you the details once I return, but just in case I don't make it back to Oryn in time, remember to look out for someone whose back looks like mine. 

Kim Namjoon."

Everyone looked up with shocked eyes. "What on earth....." Yoongi trailed off.

"Someone whose back looks like Namjoon hyung......it's Gu-" Jimin slapped a hand to Taehyung's mouth and shut him up immediately. "Not here" he whispered and shook his head with a subtle glare. 

"You know who he is talking about?" Seokjin asked, standing up with a huge frown on his face. His blood had run cold the second Namjoon mentioned the Royal Bloodline. 

He knew who his brother was talking about. How could he not, when the only person carrying the Royal Bloodline at the moment was his own wife? 

His mind was in an utter turmoil. He didn't know what to think anymore. And what did he mean someone whose back looked like him? Does that mean someone whose back looked like Namjoon's was behind his wife and his future child? 

Suddenly, the events of that wretched night crossed his mind. Never once had he seen the man's face. Just his back. And if there was a man whose back looked like Namjoon, and if that man was after his unborn child.......

He groaned loudly and held his head with his hands. "Oh god...." he groaned again and fell back onto his chair. "What have I done?" he asked in a daze. 

"Hyung!!!.....HYUNG?!!.....What's wrong?!?!.......Seokjin hyung!!" the others kept calling him worriedly, but he couldn't hear any of them. 

All he could hear was the pleads of his younger brother. The one who kept asking him what was wrong. The one who kept begging him to tell him if he had done something wrong. The one who didn't give up for a very long time and kept pestering him to tell him why he wasn't talking to him. 

Oh, how he wished he had ignored Nayeon's threats that night and had gone to check out what was happening. Oh, how he wished he had had a talk with Namjoon instead of ignoring him. 

His ears ringed with all the curses that he had thrown at his brother for something that he had never done. 

"It wasn't him....it wasn't Namjoon....oh god, I need to talk to him, I need to apologize to him. I need to leave now....it wasn't him....."

A sharp slap resounded across the dining hall, bringing Seokjin out of his small chaotic bubble. "I am sorry, hyung, but I had to do it" Yoongi said and bowed to him. 

Seokjin let a single tear roll out of his eye. "It wasn't Namjoon..." he said. 

"Okay, hyung. It's not like we are understanding what you are talking about, but we first need to discuss this thing. We know who Namjoon hyung is talking about. We need to go to Jeongguk's room and discuss about this asap" Taehyung said in a low voice. 

Walls had ears, after all. 

"Alright. Get Nayeon as well. Jeongguk, you go and get her. Don't send any other guard" Seokjin said. Jeongguk nodded with wide eyes and hurried out of the room to get his sister in law, the one who was going to give birth to the Royal Bloodline in another two months. 

Jeongguk couldn't think about anything else on his way to Seokjin's mansion. His ears rang with just three words. 

The Royal Bloodline.

Why didn't he think of it before? Why was he trying so hard to obtain a heir when one was already on the way? So what if the child wasn't his? It wasn't a competition among his brothers. As long as the kid did not have the illness that his father had, he was very much eligible to become the next Crown Prince. 

He released a breath and chuckled slightly out of relief, realizing that he didn't have to have any more connections with his self-declared sister-wife. He could treat her as his sister and wouldn't have to hold her back anymore. She could go to Jimin without any hesitation and he wouldn't have to marry another woman for the same purpose.

He knocked on the door of Seokjin's bedroom. "Hyeongsunim? (Sister-in-law)" he called out. The door opened almost immediately. 

"Jeongguk-ah! What are you doing here? Did something happen to-" 

"No, nothing happened to hyung, but you and your child are in danger, so I am here to take you to my mansion" he said. 

"What?! Why?!" she asked, placing her arm over her huge belly protectively. 

"Don't worry, Hyeongsunim. We will protect you and your child. Don't worry about it" Jeongguk said and gestured to her to go with him. 

"What happened?" she asked on their way. 

"We just received a letter from Namjoon hyung and he said that someone whose back looks like him is after your child" Jeongguk said in a hushed voice, making Nayeon freeze on the spot. 


"I...I-..it's...oh...I..I am not...d-don't take me with you....I am f-fine in my room" she said and turned around in a flash. 

"Hyeongsunim" Jeongguk called out and this time, his voice dripped with an authority that Nayeon couldn't go against. She froze once again with her back facing him. 

"Are you hiding something from us?" he asked. 

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