Oikawa Tooru/ Confidence

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Hey, I'm back !

Hope you guys didn't miss me too much, how have you all been?

I got a request for reader who's self conscious about their acne, and a character comforting them, which is adorable so I had to write it.

Synopsis A comfort fic where Oikawa finds his s/o feeling less than confident about their appearance.

Tw// insecurity, struggles with self confidence


(Please do not dump any struggles in the comments, I know it can distress lot's of people, and I want to keep a comforting atmosphere. Of course, I'm not telling you not to vent, but if you want to talk about it, don't be afraid to dm me! I'm always here to listen.)

b e e p !

b e e p !

b e e p !

b e - *click*

You scrunched your eyes together, the sound of your alarm beginning to stir you awake.

Not immediately getting up, you stayed in bed a little longer before you allowed your eyelids to groggily open.

A fatigued sigh left your throat, you most definitely didn't get enough sleep the night prior.

Or the week prior for that matter.

You had way too many missing assignments to count with just your fingers, and the stress of failing weighed too heavy on your already slouched back.

You pulled the sheets off and immediately regretted it, the cold air of your freezing room sending goose bumps crawling up your skin.

You let out your second and definitely not last sigh of the day as you stepped into your bathroom and faced the mirror.

You scanned your features like you did everyday, and just like everyday you weren't happy with what you saw.

Critiquing everything you felt deserved it, you finally acknowledged your biggest insecurity.

You brushed your hand over your skin, brows creasing.


You've tried multiple recommended facial items and treatments; face washes, scrubs, exfoliators, masks, lotions, oils, and so on, yet still you find that your skin manages to break out.

It's taken a toll on your self confidence, and you find it hard to find any good in your complexion anymore.

You've tried to boost your self love and listen to those around you, but it can be really hard to hold a high standard to yourself when you hated the acne so much.

You stared yourself down in the mirror and tried to tell yourself that you would be fine, beginning to start your routine for the day.


Closing your locker door, you felt two hands close over your eyes playfully before you could turn around.

"Guess who?" They cooed.

You could distinguish that voice from anywhere.

"Jesus Oikawa, you almost gave me a heart attack"

You heard him chuckle and retract his hands, instead moving them to hug you.

You leaned in, giving him an exhausted peck, quick to turn your face away after.

The two of you walked to your first class, hands entertwined together.

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