Jealous Hc's !💍

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I was reading the manga and noticed that Bokuto called Kenma, Akaashi, and Tsukki the apathetic group and I cant stop thinking about it.

Headcanon: When they're jealous


||☆Akaashi Keiji☆||

•If he saw another person trying to flirt with you, he'd probably get really irritated

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•If he saw another person trying to flirt with you, he'd probably get really irritated.

•Jealous, but doesn't lose his composure.

•Would politely walk over.

•Performs a painfully obvious task that shows the other person that you're taken, like kissing your cheek, or wrapping his arm around your waist.

•Pays no mind to who you were conversing with.

•Doesn't care if he interrupted (it was his goal to begin with).

•Once he turns around and leads you away, he would look back and send a cold look to whoever tried to flirt with you.

•Keeps his cool the whole time.

•You can tell he's jealous by the way he won't look at you directly, or how his brow twitches.

•Keeps his jealousy inside because he doesn't like to show you his selfish side

•You cuddle him to make him feel better and perform small sweet tasks to assure him you're all his.

||☆Kenma Kozume☆||

•Normally isn't possessive, and doesn't get jealous frequently

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•Normally isn't possessive, and doesn't get jealous frequently.

•When he does, the person flirting with you would have to have done something obvious to alert him.

•Sometimes he would just text you to kill two birds with one stone; to interrupt your conversation and to tell you that it was time to leave.

•Other times he would walk to where you were, and pull your sleeve to get your attention.

• "C'mon, we gotta go."

• "Oh, already?"

• "Who's this? Your cousin? Or relative?"

• Kenma would glare at them, sending them shivers and turning their blood cold.

•(Of course he would make sure you couldn't see him glaring)

• "Let's go."

•His sour mood would be obvious, his tone and composure giving everything away to you.

•You immediately got the message, and began following Kenma away, not wanting to upset him.

•Once you were home, Kenma would be really physical and touchy.

•Laying on your lap✔️





•The whole shabang

• "Why are you so touchy all of a sudden?"

• "mmh..."

•Doesn't stop cuddling you, and won't give you an exact reason why.

||☆Tsukkishima Kei ☆||

•This beanstalk gets jealous real quick

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•This beanstalk gets jealous real quick.

•Random waiter compliments your complexion? Jealous.

•Someone greeting you in a more-than-friendly manner? Jealous.

•His volleyball team takes a liking to you?

J e a l o u s~

•So if he sees somebody flirting it up with you..

•Gets real annoyed and salty 😳 (but are we surprised, no)

•Has a glare the whole time.

•This boy would basically sprint over to you, snaking his arm on your shoulder, still wearing the glare, and say some petty shit like:

• "Time to go ___."

• "Huh? Oh...Kay?" You said, confused.

• He would then proceed to "notice" the other person, and changes his glare to a mocking smirk.

• Let us start the sass show🕺

• "Oh? I didn't see you there, you're a bit short, huh?"

• "Wow, ___, you didn't tell me you conversed with gnomes."

• "Sorry, excuse me, we have to go, and I just don't want to accidentally step on you."

•The other person would definitely be irritated.

• "Oi, whats your problem?"

•Tsukki would turn around, with the most dead stare.

• "My problem is that you're flirting with my s/o. Fuck off."

•And then he would walk away with you, not letting the other person retaliate.

•You lowkey feel awkward like 👁👄👁

•He gives the silent treatment once you two are alone.

• "Kei, are you okay?"

• "..."

• "Kei, c'mon..."

•Continues this until you're visibly concerned, and apologizes.

•Cuddles you until you fall asleep to make up for his silence.


I love this bunch

Iconic tbh

Eat your veggies


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