Atsumu Miya/ Prince

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In which the reader honestly couldn't care less about their love life, but a persistent "prince" won't leave them alone.


Your face wasn't the first thing he saw when he met you, but rather the stacks of papers and books you held.

You tried peeking from behind the pile from time to time, making sure you could see where you were walking.

"All those textbooks? At once?" Was the first thought that had popped into his mind.

He didn't think to offer you help. No one did, but it wasn't unusual for you to manage on your own.

You carefully but swiftly walked down to the library, not making waste of your time, and sat where you normally did everyday.

You'd come often enough that the librarian had grown fond of you and learned your full name, favoring you from the other students who usually only came around to talk.

The books you carried were carefully placed down on the table, papers sorted into a different pile.

You looked through the textbooks until you reached your algebra workbook, gingerly sliding it out from the stack and opening it in front of you.

Remembering the last algebra quiz grade you'd received, you furrowed your brows, sourly resting your chin in your palms.

The bright red 67 mark haunted you, and made you want to punch yourself continuously in the face.

How could you let that happen? What would your mom think?

You hadn't shown her the grade, of course, but the thought of a barely passing grade was enough to keep you working harder.

She depended on you getting a good education. You couldn't afford to see her upset.

You never wanted to see that sullen expression again. You remembered the look on your mother's face as she looked up from your middle school report card.

She didn't look angry, or dissapointed- she looked sad.

It was the end of your second year of middle school, and you had your priorities absolutely scrambled.

You focused on making as many friends as possible all while chasing romantic relationship after romantic relationship.

You spent every weekend going out with friends, procrastinating work, turning a blind eye to studying, and thinking about how you can earn the affection of your next crush instead of paying attention.

It was no surprise your final grade was upsettingly low.

"It's fine, you'll do better next year, yeah?" She wrapped you in a hug and assured you that it was okay.

Her words were sweet, but you couldn't ignore the distress laced in her voice.

You'd decided for your last year of middle school, you would have a clear goal and your priorities straight.

During your last year of middle school, you stopped talking to friends. You distanced yourself from them, deeming them distractions and a waste of time.

You stopped chasing after your romantic interests and instead chased achievements.

You'd also stopped talking to others, avoiding interaction that you'd decided wasted your time.

You stopped smiling at people you didn't need to, making yourself as uninviting and unapproachable as possible.

You closed out everyone.

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