Kuroo Tetsuro/ Years

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I currently got my heart b a s h e d to pieces so I decided to write an angst chapter since it matched the mood


The Haikyuu manga ended today🥺🥺 (the day I started writing this) and I keep telling myself that there's the anime and stageplays to look forward to, and the fandom will still live on even once those are over, but the sadness is still there.

Thank you Haruichi Furudate for eight amazing years❤️



"Did it mean anything to you?...At all?" You whispered in a broken voice.

He stared at you with disbelieving eyes, hair matted from the harsh downfall of rain.

"Did you really mean what you said that day?..." desperation filled your voice as tears mixed with rain, and clothes grew damp.

"____, stop-"

"Stop what, Tetsuro? Have I ever broken you? Have I ever—." You clutched a hand to your mouth, looking away.

Your voice broke towards the end, the pent up sorrow finally catching up and submerging your anger.

"Have I ever told you I loved you, and said the same to another?..."

Your breath hitched and voice cracked, hot tears refilling in your saddened eyes.

How did his all happen?...

How did we end up here?


Kuroo Tetsuro and ____, ____.

Ages eight/seven

Elementary year 2

"Kuroo! Wait!"

Your little feet ran after the black haired boy, kicking up the mulch around you.

"HAHAH! Can't catch me ____! Too sloww!"

He called in front of you, sticking his tongue out and waving your stuffed teddy bear around.

"Tetsuro stop messing around! Gimme it back!"

You chased him around the play ground, up the equipment, and down slides.

You just weren't fast enough.

"I'll give him back when you tell me his name!"

You were panting, out of breath, while he was still charging around with your bear hostage.

"Fine! Fine! *huff* Stop making me *huff* run! His  name is Lulu! Now *huff* can I have him back? Please?!"

He stopped, still a bit ahead of you.

He put a finger to his chin.

"Hmm?? No!"

He continued to run, up the metal stairs and the top of the play ground equipment.

You looked up at him, cheeks red from embarrassment and running around.

"Stop! Stop! Give Lulu back! Stop!"

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