Sugawara Koushi/Thunderstorms

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I spent like a good week working on a chapter and I ended up not liking it and scrapping it.

I want

D E A T H.


You hated storms and heavy rainfall.

You didn't mind light drizzling, or a cloudy day.

But whenever dark clouds and the scent of arriving rain rolled in, you always got anxious.

If you had a list of fears, thunder would be at the very top.

The clap of thunder was always so bone chilling, and your experiences with storms were never pleasant.

Which was why you were currently hiding under a desk in your room. The farthest corner away from your window.

Your curtains and windows were still open because you were too afraid to walk over and close it, leaving you exposed to the sight of the ominous clouds.

Curled up in a ball, knees to your face, you whispered assuring thoughts to yourself.

It's okay.

You'll be fine.

It's just a storm-

A strike of lighting painted the sky, flashing and lighting up your room for a quick second before disappearing.

You closed your eyes tighter, wishing you had closed the windows earlier.

Amidst the fear and thunder, you heard the door opening.


You and Suga shared a home as roommates. He was always really sweet and caring.

You heard his reassuring voice call out your name.


Your response was cut off when a rumble of thunder rung out.

You sobbed, not able to bring yourself to call out to him.

Soon, the silver haired boy opened the door to your room, scanning the room for you.

"____?" He called again.

All you could manage was a weak "help.." and to hug your knees tighter.

Suga saw you, and let out a knowing sigh, an understanding smile on his face.

Koushi walked over to your windows, closing them shut and dragging the curtains closed.

You peeked out of your arms to lock eyes with him.

He walked over to you and kneeled down, smile never wavering.

He placed a hand on your shoulder, trying to help you feel better.

His soft eyes were so calming, and his touch so gentle.



"Are you okay?"

You looked at you feet.

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