Nekoma Hc's !🐈

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Happy New years and Happy Holidays folks!
Hoping you all had a wonderful holiday and that 2021 treats you well🥺

I got a request for Kenma head canons a while back, so this is my way of incorporating it.

I'm actually so late to finally getting to write it aaaaa('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) I apologize for taking so long hhhh

Synopsis random little things about some of the Nekoma team volleyball players !


Kuroo Tetsuro:

Big tease. He likes to make fun of you and bickers with you for the fun of it.

"Oi, short stock move it" Kuroo chuckled, walking up behind you.

You stood in the gym doorway, turning to meet him, arms crossing.

"Who you calling short stalk, rooster face?"

"Ouch. From rooster head to rooster face huh, little gnome?" He teased.

"Leave it ____. He's trying to rile you up." Kai advised, joining both of you.

You knew he was purposefully picking a spat, but you couldn't help firing back. You wouldn't let him win.

"Being a gnome is better than being a lanky giraffe. What's the weather like up there, beanstalk?"

"I guess I'll tell you, since I feel bad. My generosity is one of my best assets." He flaunts. "What are your good qualities little elf?"

You could feel annoyance creeping up on you, brows twitching.

He likes scaring you, or surprising you. He likes the cute wide eyed expression you would show when he did something unexpected, and the terror boosted reactions after he scared you.

You made sure all the water bottles were packed, and made sure there were enough towels for the practice match Nekoma would be playing soon.

You prided yourself in being the manager of one of the top defensive teams, and made sure to show it by taking care of each individual member.

You pulled out a small journal you usually kept for inventory purposes, and began to check off everything.

"_____, five minute warning." The club advisor reminded.

You checked the time on your phone, eyes going wide.


As quickly as you could, you counted and checked off everything before hurriedly stuffing your journal away, beginning to speed walk to the bus circle.

Your surroundings dissolved as you hyperfixated on getting to the exit as soon as possible.

As you turned the corner, a tall figure leapt out, shouting, scaring the soul from your eyes.


"F@%K SH!T" you cursed, hitting and punching whoever had jump scared you.


You could identify that wild laugh anywhere, and immediately realized who it was.

"KUROO TETSURO." You scolded, beginning to throw more attacks at him.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! HAHSHHSHAHAHAAH"

"I hate you!" You screamed, cheeks flushed from embarrassment. "Dehydrate for all I care, I'm not giving you water today!"

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