Chapter 27

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Chapter 27 ━━ Defending Jacob

Act IIIChapter 27 ━━ Defending Jacob

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A wave of agony takes over Shelley as she slowly opens her eyes trying to adjust her vision to the light. All she sees is blur images. 

"I'll call Dr. Cullen." Someone talks. It sounds like it's Charlie. The door opens and closes, signalling he left. 

"Baby." She hears Renee's soft voice near her. 

"Mom." She groans with pain, trying to speak through her dry throat. "Water." 

The blurry images begin to clear, revealing Renee's worried eyes looking down at her. 

Bella quickly gets off the bed and fetches some water for her. The brunette holds the glass to the blonde's mouth as she takes small sips of water, which brings some relief to her body. 

"More?" Bella asks and she shakes her head. The elder twin nods and places the glass back on the table. 

The door opens. Charlie and Carlisle slide through the door one after the other. 

"Hello, Shelley. How are you feeling?" 

"Pain." She whispers, exhausted. "A lot of it." 

He nods, checking in the monitor and continues to talk. "The bruises are deep and fresh. You have to be careful with the stitches. And bed resting would help a lot." 

"Don't tell me that it's permanent." She states, carefully running her good hand over the large bandage covering her right shoulder and her chest. "The scars." 

Carlisle and Charlie share a look before the blond doctor continues to speak sadly. "I'm afraid they would, Shelley." 

Shelley lets out a sob as tears urge to burst out. "No-No. That can't happen." 

"You survive just from injuries, baby. That's the most important thing here." Charlie assures her. But it's not enough for her. 

"There must be a way to make them go away." She begins to cry, referring to the scars. "I don't want to live bearing horrible scars on me." 

"Shell, you're beautiful, with or without scars." Bella squeezes her sister's good hand with a comforting smile. "No matter what, you're the better twin, remember?" 

"See your friends send these things to you." Renee shows a bunch of get well cards and bags full of chocolate and flowers on the dresser, trying to cheer up her younger daughter.

"What happened?" Shelley asks her sister, wanting to fill herself with the backup story. 

"You don't remember?" Renee questions. 

"You left with Jake after school to hang out and when he left you in the living room to have a shower, you wandered in the woods without him and got attacked by a bear." 

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