Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 ━━ Rosalie's Hope

Act IIIChapter 37 ━━ Rosalie's Hope

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It's nighttime when Shelley enters through the front door of Cullen residence and is immediately overwhelmed by the crowd and the pounding of dance music. 

It's wall to wall with teenagers. Dancing, celebrating. Alice has transformed the place into a magical nightclub. 

The blonde weaves her way through the throngs, searching for her sister. Instead of Bella, she spots Esdras, who is deep in consultation with Carlisle, Emmett and Jasper. Their mood is intense. There's no sight of Bella or Edward. She heads toward them but Jessica and Angela swoop in. 

"You've made it." Angela says. 

"Hey. What'd you think of my speech?" Jessica asks. "Too easy-breezy, too self-helpful? You may admit it." 

"No, you pretty much nailed it." The blonde admits honestly. 

Jessica beams. "Yeah? It's like I was born to lead, right?" 

"Oh, great. I love this song, let's go." Angela pulls the girls to the dance floor where Eric and Mike find them. 

"Are you okay?" Mike asks the blonde with concern. "Did that guy hurt you?" 

Shelley shakes her head. "No, he didn’t." 

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you with him. I felt like I couldn't keep up with that bulky guy. So I went for the next best option. Esdras." Mike states. 

"It's okay. Nothing happened." She assures him, patting on his shoulder. 

"So… you and that guy. Are you dating him?" Eric asks. 

"Sort of." The blonde shrugs, not really in a mood to continue the conversation. That's when the song changes whilst Mike and Eric start a robot battle. 

The girls laugh, their celebratory mood is striking. A dance floor is Shelley's idea of hell, but she forces a smile, shuffles a bit, trying to blend in. 

That's when the blonde's eyes catch the sight of Jacob entering through the front door, calm and confident. Quil and Embry flank him, looking tense, eyes darting around the room. 

Red flags. 

She manoeuvres off the dance floor and into Jacob's path. A cruel idea makes it up to her mind and she smiles sweetly. 

Jacob's eyes light up and break a wide smile across his face. 

If he thinks that she forgave him, he's wrong. Very wrong. Maybe after she sends him to hell, burns him alive in a lava tub and brings him back, she can consider the idea. 

Completely ignoring Jacob, Shelley rushes into Embry and Quil, pulling them both in a group hug. A losers reunion. "Hey, Embry, Quil. How are you guys?" 

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