Chapter 7

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Act I
Chapter 7 ━━ Losers Club

Act IChapter 7 ━━ Losers Club

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Angela, Bella, Eric, Mike and Shelley are currently at the La Push beach to the idea of a friendly hangout. 

Shelley is still thinking about Edward's superpowers until Eric speaks. "I don't know if it's worth it anymore." 

"We came all the way here." Jessica says.

"We'll just hangout." Angela tells Eric and walks towards the sea leaving them behind.

"You guys are babies." Jessica chuckles.

"So I keep thinking that Eric's going to ask me to prom, and he just… doesn't." Angela says sadly.

"You should take him. Take control. You're a strong, independent woman." Bella assures her.

"I am?" Angela asks.

"Yes." Bella nods.

Jessica looks at Angela from Bella. "Can you do me up?"

"Yeah." Angela smiles.


A wide smile spreads across Shelley's face as she recognises his voice. She turns around to see Jacob walking to them with three Quileute guys following him.

"Hi, Jake." She hugs him first and turns to others. "Guys, this is Jacob."

Jessica and Angela say their 'hi's to Jacob, before he quickly moves himself next to Bella.

"What are you, like stalking us?" Bella asks Jacob as Eric and Mike join the group.

"You're on my rez, remember? Are you surfing?" He questions her, completely ignoring the blonde's existence once again. 

"Definitely not." Bella tells.

"You guys should keep Bella company. Umm… her date bailed." Jessica says.

"What date?" Eric asks.

"She invited Edward." Jessica answers.

"To be polite, that's it." Bella adds.

"I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does." Angela says this time.

"Yeah, 'cuz Cullens are freak." Mike speaks.

"You got that right." One of Jacob's friends says.

"You guys know them?" Shelley asks them.

"The Cullens don't come here." Jacob's other friend states sharply.

Soon enough Shelley finds herself still sitting on the sea shore watching the sea waves as Bella and Jacob ditched her behind after Jessica, Mike and Eric left the beach. 

"You're still here?" 

Shelley looks up to see two guys watching her. She recognises them in an instant. They're two of Jacob's friends earlier. She smiles. "Yeah."

They both arrive and sit beside her.

"I'm Quil." The short, stocky and feisty, with short hair introduces himself.

"And I'm Embry. The cutest." The tall, thin and laid back, with chin-length black hair guy says. 

"Shelley." She introduces herself. "Please call me Shell." 

"So you're the girl who Jake's bickering about every time like his world runs around you." Quil says.

Shelley raises an eyebrow, doubting their words. It must be Bella who he was talking to all the time. "You must be talking about Bella? My sister?"

"I don't see blue eyes and blonde hair on Bella. Do you Quil?" Embry asks his friend.

"Guess not." Quil smirks. "What about the part where you're his girlfriend?" 

"Oh, we're just friends. Best friends from diaper age."

"Ooh. Burn." Embry states.

"And I don't think that I'm that important to him anymore." I add.

"Don't worry, Shell. We all know that he's an ass sometimes. But he's still him." Quil says.

"What did your friend mean, about, you know, the Cullens don't come here?" She asks them.

"You caught up with that huh? We're not supposed to say anything about it." Embry says.

She scoffs. "Hey, I can keep a secret."

"Um, really, it's just an old scary story." Quil says with a fake horror face.

"Well, I wanna know." She insists interestingly.

"Okay. Um… did you know Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?" Embry asks.

"Ah… I think I do remember Billy saying stories about them when we were small. But they're not very clear now."

"Well, that's the legend of our tribe." 

"Okay. So what's the story about the Cullens?"

"Well, they're supposedly descended from this, like, 'enemy clan.' Jacob's great grandfather, the chief, found them hunting on our land, but they claimed to be something different. So, we made a treaty with them. If they promise to stay off Quileute lands, then we wouldn't expose what they really were… the pale faces." Embry explains.

"I thought they just moved here." Shelley says.

"Or just moved back here." Quil corrects her.

"Yeah." She nods. "What are they really?" 

Embry shakes his head. "It's just a story, Shell." 

"Okay." She tells. "Thank you for sharing them with me."

"No problem. Jacob's friends are our friends too. If you need a friend, don't hesitate to contact us." Quil says cheerfully.

"Welcome to the losers club, Jakey girl." Embry grins. "It's good to have another member in our club."

And that's how she spends the whole evening, listening to their humourous jokes and laughing at them.

Shelley rolls to the side of her bed and switches the light. It's midnight and the things that Embry and Quil told her are bothering her. Sitting in front of her Apple notebook, she types 'Quileute Legends' into Google search engine, until 'Thunderbird & Whale Bookstore', Port Angeles, pops up. She scribbles the address of the bookstore on a piece of paper and bites her lips. 

She'll find the family secret of the 'Cullens' soon. It's a promise to herself.

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