Chapter 22

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Act II
Chapter 22 ━━ Bubble Bath

Act IIChapter 22 ━━ Bubble Bath

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The sun is just beginning to rise, reddening the clouds overhead. Jacob and Shelley are sitting on a cliff edge close to each other, watching the beautiful side in front of them.

"So… you're Alpha. You were in my dreams."

"More like you were in my dreams." He corrects her.

Raising an eyebrow, she looks at him. "What the hell does that mean?"

"I can show you what I want you to see in my dreams. And even let you live in it." He shrugs.

"That is weird." She remarks.

"I had it even before I shifted the first time. It's like the wolf inside me knows what's going on. I saw everything in the view of the wolf. I freaked out the first time."

"What was that place? The meadow?" She asks, leaning into his shoulder.

"I'll take you there. Soon." He smiles promisingly. "Anyway, you loved my wolf. Didn't you?"

"I did. And still do." She states honestly. "I could have guessed that before. I even felt some kind of familiar feeling. But I didn't go to the theories of you turning into a big wolf."

After a pause, he sighs. "There's something you need to know."

She looks up at him with interest. "Something more than you being a big bad wolf?" 

He chuckles. "Yeah. But not yet. I want you to be more comfortable with everything. I know that it is a lot for you to handle." 

"It is quite a lot." She nods, turning her gaze at the sunrise. "And you need to know that I'm still mad at you." 

He chuckles again. "I know you do."

"Don't you think fighting vampires is too dangerous?"

"Please. We took out that wanted redheaded friend with the dreads easily enough. The red-head will be fun, too."

She shivers to the bone at the mention of the redhead. "Victoria? She's here?"

"We chased her all the way to the border the other night. But she won't stay gone. Keep coming back. If we knew what she was after…" He trails off.

"She's after Bella." She cuts him off. "Her mate did good damage to Bella last time and Edward killed him. I think she's after revenge."

He notes her uneasy expression. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Shelley sighs. "It's not me that I'm worried. Dad and Bella." 

"Keep faith in us. The pack and me." 

"How did this all happen? The shape-shifting thing and killing bad vampires?"

"It's what we do, why we exist. A few lucky guys in the tribe have the gene. If a bloodsucker moves to town, our DNA kicks in, we reach the right age and the fever hits."

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