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I woke up and quietly made my way to my closet, just because I'm blind doesn't mean I don't know my way around my house. I grabbed my clothes where they should always be and slipped on a dress with some shorts. I put my ear against the door to listen and check if anyone was awake. Yet I was met with silence.

That's good, I can go now. I quickly and quietly made my way to the door, when I got there I put my shoes on and headed outside. Making sure to be extra quiet when leaving.

When I reached the end of the steps, Kakashi had made himself known. "Yo." I nodded and held my hand out so he could grab it. I felt his gloved hand grab onto mine, as he began to lead me somewhere.

"So where is it we're going Kakashi Sensei?" I think he must have stumbled over his feet or something because my arm jerked forward.

"We're going to the training grounds so I can help you train." I just nodded in reply, too excited about being able to train. A few minutes of continuous walking, Kakashi stopped walking. Guess we arrived.

"So what're we learning today?" I sat on the floor and began feeling around, its grass, it felt moist and straw-like, I could feel the blades of the grass brushing against my knuckles as I felt around. I kept feeling around the grass until I realized I got a bit lost. "Whoops, I kinda zoned out." I covered my face in embarrassment feeling a heat rise to my cheeks.

"No, it's quite alright. So today I'm going to be teaching you about Chakra." I tilted my head to the side, "Chakra?"

"Yes, to put it simply, chakra is the energy a shinobi needs when performing a jutsu. The energy has two parts, those of the body, drawn from each and every one of the cells that make up the human body and second, those of the mental and spiritual energy acquired over the course of training. Together these two forms of energy is what makes up chakra. So in effect techniques of the shinobi are born of a combination of those two energies, which is brought forth from the body and the spirit, which is called "Manipulating the chakras", and focused in the mystic process of weaving hand signs."

"Did you get all of that?"

"Yup, learning comes fairly easy to me and I remember all sorts of things, since I can't see I have to remember every important thing."  I pulled out some of the grass and began to play with it.  "You can continue." He sighed and sat in front of me before continuing his lesson.

"Right, so because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build up, the key to its use is not actually having large amounts of chakra, but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called chakra control."

"In order to have good chakra control, you should only mould as much chakra as you need to perform a given ability. If you mould more chakra than needed, the excess chakra is wasted and you will tire out faster from its loss."

"If you don't mould enough chakra, a technique won't be performed effectively, if at all. Because chakra consists in part of spiritual energy, the user is more able to easily mould the correct amount of chakra by remaining calm and focused."

I interrupted him before he could continue, "So, if I wanted to get better at chakra manipulation how would I do that? There must be an exercise or something right?"

"Yes, I was just about to get there, training methods that are mostly used are the leaf concentration, tree climbing, and water surface walking exercises." I hear him get up and walk away, and then a few seconds later he comes back and puts something in my hand.

Confused, I began to feel around. "A leaf?" That's when it clicked, "Oh the leaf concentration exercise?" 

"Yep, I'm going to teach you how to work on your chakra control, it's something to do at home as well." I felt him take the leaf out of my hand, and then I felt something on my head. Did...Did he put the leaf on my forehead?

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