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I quietly closed the door behind me as I entered my house. Everyone in my house was already asleep. I quietly walked to my room and closed the door behind me. I didn't want to wake anyone in the house right now. I still need a little bit more time, and I'm not ready to face mom. I layed down in my bed and just kept to myself. I could hear some movement in the hallway, I didn't bother checking who it was because I was already exhausted today.

I could hear the shuffling come closer to the door and I could only pray that it wasn't my mom. But like this morning, luck doesn't seem to be on my side at all. There was a knock on the other side of the door before a soft voice spoke.

"Sorey, sweetie? It's me, your mom, I was wondering if we could have a small talk."

I stayed in my place on my bed, maybe if I stayed here she would go away.

"Honey, you might be sleeping or maybe not. But if there is the chance you're still awake then let me say something. You don't even have to listen, but this is something I need to say."

I sat up in my bed, a bit curious as to what she was going to say. She seems a little sad, maybe regretful? There was a breath of silence before it was broken.

"I'm sorry. I...I talked with your dad today, after he came back from talking with you and, you're right. I haven't been taking your feelings into consideration, I've only been thinking about what I thought was best for you, and I never thought about how my actions would affect you. Your dad told me that he thinks it's best I allow you to keep training. He says that he sees a spark in you he has never before. He told me that he believes that this training will do you good. And...I've come to agree with him. I think you should do the training.."  Mom began to cry while she spilled out her feelings.

At the end, I too began to cry, she wants me to do the training. I can't believe it, she wants me to..

I got out of bed and opened the door, flinging my body into my mom's arms, as I cried out to her. "Mom! It's okay, I know you didn't mean all that stuff. I'm sorry too! Thank you so much for letting me continue this training!" I wiped the snot dripping from my nose.

"If-If you wanted to, could we enroll you into the academy late? How about that?" Mom said, wiping the tears from my eyes.

I shook my head, "No, I want to wait a bit longer, work on my training. You were right about the academy mom, partly. I may be bullied the way I am now. So...I want to train more, as I also think I am not ready for the academy as well."

She picked me up and placed me on her hip, she started bringing me somewhere and when she sat me down, I noticed we were now in the kitchen. I made myself comfortable in the chair my mom sat me in.

"So, how about I heat up some dinner for you? Did you eat yet?" She asked, her voice a bit far, presumably in the kitchen.

"Ah, I'm okay Mom. Actually..I made my first friend today." I giggled at the thought of Naruto. "He took me out to ramen today, but that silly Naruto didn't have any money. So I ended up paying for the ramen." Mom came back and sat across from me.

"Oh really? And your friend's name...Naruto was it?" Mom asked, a little curious, yet suspicious.

"Yeah, Naruto Uzumaki. He's really kind Mom! Do you think he could come over one day over dinner and maybe even lunch? I would really love you to meet him." My voice got quiet. "He doesn't have a I thought that maybe he could spend some time with us?" I played with my fingers a little shy.


"So Naruto, tell me about yourself. " I initiated a conversation with Naruto as we waited for our ramen.

"Uh..well, I like ramen, it's my most favorite food ever! I also want to become Hokage one day so everyone can respect me!" He shouted while pumping his fist in the air.

"That's quite a dream you have there Naruto, but, I think you can do it. There's this feeling I have about you. I don't really know how to explain it , but you're like a I guess like the sun." I turned away from Naruto, a small blush appearing on my cheeks. "Sorry that sounded kinda corny."

"No it's okay, thanks for believing in me."

I giggled and turned around on my seat. "Of course Naruto! So, I wanna know more about you. Do you have any family?" I asked, without realising I hit a nerve. I noticed he hadn't responded, it took me a moment to realize that maybe he didn't have a family. How inconsiderate of me.

"I...don't have a family. I never knew my parents. I've been on my own for a while.." He said, as his mood dropped significantly.

"I'm sorry Naruto, that was rude of me to ask..but you know , you have me now. I can be your family."  Suddenly, I was on the floor as Naruto tackled me in a hug, crying tears of joy onto my shoulders.

"Thank you so much Sorey.."  I hugged him back as we sat on the ground as Naruto continued  to cry, as I comforted him. Though we were interrupted by a gruff voice.

"Hey, you can't eat your ramen if you're sitting on the floor. Come on you two, eat up."


" can't hang out with that boy. That boy is a monster, you have to promise me you can't go near him." Mom said, reaching out to cup my hands with her. But before she could I pulled away. I was confused. What was wrong with Naruto, he hadn't done anything wrong.

"M-Mom, come on he's my first friend. For you to reject him and call him a monster, is like calling me strange because I'm blind. What did he ever do? Please just give him a chance Mom, for me?" I pleaded to my mom in a begging way.

Apparently my begging was enough to make my mom sigh in defeat. "Okay, I'll give him a chance. You can bring him by on monday, he goes to the academy right?" I nod my head, answering mom's question.

"Then it's decided. On Monday when I go to get Sakura from the academy, you'll come with me to come get Naruto for dinner." I ran to my mom and hugged her, squeezing the life out of her.

"Thanks so much mom! You won't regret this, he really is such a great kid mom, you'll see." She laughed and tousled my hair. Then she picked me up again, and brought me to bed, laying me down. "Alright, it's time to go to bed, it's late." She reached down and planted a kiss on my forehead. "Good night sweetie."

"Good night Mom." I gave her a kiss on the cheek as she tucked me in bed. She closed the door as she left. That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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