Evening Dinner

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We had finally arrived at the academy. Many kids came pouring out of the academy, I was overcome with excitement when I recognized Naruto's chakra. I ignored my sister who called out my name and ran for Naruto. "Naruto!" I ran into Naruto's arms and gave him a hug, all the while gathering the attention of the kids and parents nearby.

"S-Sorey." Naruto hugged me back. "What're you doing here? Are you here for Sakura?" He pointed in the direction of Sakura. "She's over there by your parents." I already knew that she was over there, so I didn't bother to look that way.

I tugged on Naruto's arm, "I'm here for you silly, I asked my mom if I could have you over for dinner." I dragged Naruto back over to my sister and mom. I bet Sakura was a little confused on what I was doing with Naruto. But her questions would be answered in a few moments. "Mom, this is Naruto. Naruto this is my Mom." I said, introducing the two.

"Yes dear, I know who Naruto is, come on then. We don't have all day." Her voice sounded like ice when she spoke Naruto's name. She turned around, grabbing Sakura's hand and started walking back to the house. I grabbed Naruto's hand in a comforting way.

"Don't worry about my mom, once she gets to know you she'll warm up. So don't be so down about it. My mom is just..she has a hard time at looking at other people's point of view. Come on now Naruto." I pulled him along as we made my way back to my house.

Once we arrived at the house Mom began preparing the meal while Naruto, Sakura and I sat in the living room. We all talked and made jokes, having fun. Naruto and I talked more than Sakura. At the moment, Naruto was telling me about all the ramens he's tried at Ichiraku and which he recommends the most. His favorite is miso ramen with extra pork.

Though our deep conversation about ramen was disrupted when Dad walked into the living room. "Ah!" Dad jumped in the air and pointed at Naruto. "Mebuki! There's some strange yellow human mouse thingy in our living room!" I deadpanned, did dad just call Naruto a "yellow human mouse thingy?"

I facepalmed and faced my dad. "Da-"

Naruto jumped up from his spot and pointed at my dad, I could only assume he was mad or annoyed...maybe both. "Hey old man! My name is Naruto Uzumaki, and I'm not a yellow human mouse thingy!" He yelled, mimicking my dad.

I covered my mouth as I let out a small snort, my shoulders were shaking as I tried to contain my laughter. "Oh- Uh. Sorry?" Dad apologized.

Naruto growled in anger, "Sorry? Oh you'll be sorry after I get through you!" I immediately stopped laughing when Naruto charged himself at my dad. Thinking quickly I grasped the back of Naruto's collar keeping him in place.

"Naruto, you can't just go attacking my dad like that." Once I felt him go limp,I gently let go of him making sure he wouldn't fall. Then faced my dad, "And dad, you can't just go and make fun of my friends like that okay? Mom let him come over for dinner so you guys could meet him."

Dad scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. "Your mom might have mentioned something like that to me this morning. Sorry about that Sorey, Naruto." After apologizing he left the room and went to the kitchen.

Naruto and I sat back on the floor, though I soon noticed how Sakura wouldn't participate in much of the conversation. I crawled over to Sakura and poked her forehead with my pointer finger.

"Huh? What are you doing Sorey?" I then brought my pointer finger back and quickly flicked her forehead. "Hey, that hurt!" Sakura cried, bringing her hands up to the spot on her forehead where I flicked her.

I smiled at Sakura. "I'm just making sure you're okay. You weren't talking much. Usually you're much more talkative. Did something happen today at school?" Sakura didn't reply, instead she looked down at her hands. Since she didn't want to talk about it, and I didn't want to push her and make her uncomfortable, I grabbed her arm and dragged her to where Naruto was.

"H-Hey what are you doing?" I laughed at Sakura's antics and continued to pull her along, dismissing her question. I sat in the little circle we made with Sakura doing the same as I.

"So what game do you guys wanna play? I'm sure we have time to play a few games before dinner is ready."

Naruto put his hand on his chin as he began thinking, then snapped his fingers and told us his idea. "What about rock paper scissors?" I nodded my head and looked at Sakura, who was also nodding her head.

"Alright then, rock paper scissors it is!"

For the next fifteen minutes we played rock paper scissors until Mom called to tell us that dinner was ready. Tired and hungry from playing, we all scrambled from the floor and ran to the dinning room to sit and eat. Naruto and I sat next to each other while Mom and Sakura sat across from us and Dad sat at the end of the table.

Once Mom set the food on the table, we said our thanks and dug in. "Wow! This food is amazing! Can I have seconds please?" Naruto asked, holding out his empty bowl of food.

I chuckled at Naruto's appetite, but soon frowned. He told me that he usually eats ramen, so this might be his first home cooked meal in a long time, or ever. Naruto seemed to notice and gently nudged my side.

"Hey how come you're all sad Sorey?" I set my chopsticks on the table and turned to Naruto.

"Well it just came to me...you might have not had a home cooked meal in awhile..or maybe ever." My voice quiet as I revealed what had been on my mind.

"Well, I'm glad it was with you then! You're the first person who wanted to become my friend..and I really appreciate it. I really hope we can do this more." Naruto faced my mom as he continued to talk. "I really wanted to thank you for having me over, no one has ever done this for me before..you're all such nice people."

I internally smiled at Naruto, he really was a great person. The mood had been lifted and I was back to eating my food like there was no tomorrow. Soon Naruto followed along, and we both began gobbling our food down. Mom could only sigh in annoyance while Dad was chuckling at us.

Overall, I think Mom and Dad are going to like Naruto. I don't see any reason not to. Mom just misjudged him like everyone else in the village. Once dinner was over Mom and Dad began cleaning up while leaving us to do what we wanted.

"Hey, Sorey it's getting kinda late and we still have the academy tomorrow. So I have to get going." I nodded to Naruto.

"Yeah, I can walk you outside. Let's go." I started heading towards the door but we were stopped by my mom's voice.

"Wait, Naruto! Before you go, I packed you the leftovers so you could have it for lunch tomorrow. Here." She handed Naruto a bag with a bento inside. "And I wanted you to know that you're always welcome in the Haruno household."

I hugged my mom and thanked her for doing that to Naruto. Naruto thanked her as well and before I knew it I was saying goodbye to Naruto.

"Thanks for having me over Sorey, you're family..they make me feel all warm on the inside." He gripped his shirt where his heart would be. "I don't know how to explain it but all I know is that I liked it. Do you think I could come back again sometime for another dinner?"

"Of course! It's just like my mom said, you're always welcome here! So if you're ever feeling down come stop by, after all we are best friends! And I'll always be there to help you no matter what!"

"Thanks Sorey." Naruto said softly. He gave me a hug and waved to me as he headed to the direction of his house. Once he was out of range, I went back inside and went to bed.

Sorry for lagging, I uh- haven't been doing my homework. I was supposed to do it today but uhhh, I felt like writing. Soooo tmr I guess I'll have to do two weeks worth of work ;-; I hope you enjoyed the chapter as well! Oh and 😌 thanks for the 1k, I'm glad you all like the story!

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