Sibling Day

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(Art belongs to me, I got so lazy at the end but eh, kinda dig it)

My body harshly landed on the ground with a loud thud. I wiped the blood from my nose and rose from the ground.

"Again." Kakashi's voice reverberated in my ears.

With a shrill war cry, I ran at Kakashi with a raised fist. But was ultimately met with his fist in my face. My body went flying once again and I hit the floor once more. I sat up with a groan and caressed my face where Kakashi had hit me.

"Owwww. That hurt. Can't we just take a break Kakashi! We've been at it for hours!!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air for exaggeration.

"No, absolutely not. You want to get stronger right? So get up and fight me!" Kakashi's voice was cold and emotionless.

It was weird, he's never spoken to me like that. I stood up from my spot and walked slowly to Kakashi.

"H-Hey, are you okay Kakashi-Sensei? You've never spoken to me like that before, maybe we should just end for today."

"Are you stupid?"

"H-Huh?" I stumbled in the spot I stood.

"Do you really think you're strong now? Well the answer to that is no. You're so incredibly weak right now. There's no way you're going to become a genin, ever!"  As he spoke he started to walk dangerously towards me. I flinched and stumbled backwards.

"W-What, that's not true! I practice all the time! I practice every day! I try so hard because you were the first person who believed in me!" I yelled, tears now pouring down my face.

Kakashi gasped in surprise, "Me, believe in you? You must be stupider than I thought." He coldly chuckled.

"As if I would believe in you. Get away from me scum."

Kakashi raised his hand and swung at me.

I gasped and rose from my bed, trying to catch my breath. I place my hand on my chest trying to calm down my racing heart. "Was that...a dream?" I whispered to myself, clenching my shirt.

I shakingly got out of bed and went to the bathroom and washed my face to get rid of the sweat. Once I was done, I slipped out of my room and snuck into Sakura's room.

"Psst Sakura?" I whispered, poking her cheek. A groan escaped Sakura's mouth as she turned over.

"What are you doing in my room Sorey, go back to sleep."  She said, attempting to pull the covers over her head.

"Can I sleep with you..I had a bad dream.."

Sakura, too tired to voice her opinion, slid to the other side of the bed and patted the spot next to her. I quickly and quietly got settled into bed next to sakura.

"Thank you Sakura." I whispered, quickly falling asleep.


"Come on! Let's go do something!!! We haven't hung out in so long!!" I whined pulling at Sakura's hand attempting to pull her out of bed.

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