The Academy

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***8 years later***

Sakura dragged me by my hand as she led me to our parents. "Come on! I wanna ask Mom and Dad if they'll let us go to the academy!" I giggled as I followed wordlessly. We were now the age to start the academy, hopefully our parents would allow us to.

Sakura burst into our parents room. "Mom! Dad! Me and Sorey want to ask you something!!" There was shuffling inside of the room, and then I heard their footsteps walk towards us. "Sure, what do you need Sakura, Sorey?"

Sakura gently elbowed me and I took that as my signal to speak. "Well, mother. We were wondering if we could join the academy." I heard more her footsteps walk away, and soon more shuffling and quiet whispering. I could hear the whole conversation since my hearing was way better than most people's.

"So what do you think? Should we let them enter the academy?" Dad questioned.

"I wouldn't want to be unfair, but only Sakura could be able to. Sorey can't go to the academy. Just think of all the bullies and problems she'll encounter!" Mom harshly spoke, raising her tone a bit in the end.

Dad sighed, "So we let Sakura go and then what? What about Sorey?"

"She won't be able to go, she's going to stay here as always. She's blind what can she do?"

I slumped down in defeat and stopped listening to the conversation. Of course, I never get to do anything. I'm 'too delicate,' well I'll show them. I'll show them all.

I heard Mom's footsteps walking back towards us and then stopped. "Your father and I talked about it, Sorey, you won't be able to go to the academy. Sakura will be the one to go. That's final. No whining if, and, or buts."

Sakura put her hand on my shoulder, "Come on, let's go back to our room." I nodded my head, staying silent. I know my way through the house, but I was still surprised, hearing my mom say that..right in front of my face too.

***A couple weeks later***

"Be good and don't do anything I wouldn't do, we'll be back after taking Sakura to the entrance ceremony." I nodded my head and closed the door after they had left. I inwardly smirked. As if I would listen to mom, I was going to this academy and I am going to find my matter how hard it may seem.

I waited a few minutes after they left to actually leave the house. Today would actually be my first time leaving the my parents are extremely overprotective.

I'm actually kind of scared , I've lived in my house my whole life. What do you expect? Determined to get to the academy, I started walking straight...straight into a person. Oh boy won't this be good.

"Ah, I'm very sorry sir." I stepped back a bit.

"No, it's quite alright." His voice seemed deep, but he sounds kind of young too.

"Sir. Do you mind taking me to the academy?" Hopefully this guy is nice. He seems like it.

"Oh sure, it's that way." I'm pretty sure he pointed in the direction, but I can't see...

Getting fed up I decided to tell this guy straight. "Hey! If you haven't noticed I'm blind! I would appreciate it if you could take me to the academy!"

He seemed to ponder a bit before replying. "Now why would I do that? How's a blind girl going to become a kunoichi?" This guy really knows how to push my buttons.

"I'm going to work hard! I'm going to train more than anyone else has and ever will! I want to become a strong kunoichi! I want to be a symbol for those like me! That they too can fight!" I put my fist in the air as I chanted my words loudly.

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