Sakura's Crush and Misfortune

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To say I'm tired is an understatement. One whole month has gone by already, and I've learned so much, as the time went back. Kakashi taught me some academy level jutsus, so I now know the substitution, and the escape rope technique. Learning these jutsus took a while because I first had to learn and memorize the hand signs. That was probably the hardest part for me, I kept getting ram and tiger confused. But hey! Now I know them all and can perform academy level jutsu. Though it took me a pretty good two weeks though.
For the rest of the time Kakashi still made me do running and warm ups, but he started making me wear weights, those things...are a monstrosity! He put them on me and I fell flat on my face! And what did he do? Instead of helping me he laughed! I can't believe he laughed, but these weights have been a good help, he's slowly raising the weight of the weights (haha that made me laugh), he also taught me about taijutsu, he said we would be spending most of my time working on my taijutsu.

Also apparently, I can't get caught in a genjutsu. Kakashi was teaching me about them briefly and tried to put me in one, yet nothing affected me. But I still had to learn how to break other people out of genjutsu. That part was easy. Yesterday Kakashi told me he had a three day mission and wouldn't be able to help me, so he said to take the three days to rest. I was glad for that because I am so sore.

I was able to relax all day today, and I slept in. While Mom was out, I got to tell dad about all I've been learning! He was pretty amazed at my progress, he even told me he would take me out more as well! This is my chance, I can make new friends!

I was pulled out of my reminiscing when someone knocked on my door. "Its open." My door opened and Sakura's head popped out.
"Sorry! I'm back from school and I wanna talk about it!" She sat on my bed, for whatever reason, she seemed especially excited today.
"So, what's got you so excited Sakura? I haven't seen you this excited since the first day of the academy."

She laid down on the bed, and sighed dreamily. "I wanted for you to be the first to know. There's this guy at the academy..his name is Sasuke, I like him..and well.. I want to impress him!" Her voice got a little bit softer as she fidgeted with her fingers.  "But, I don't know how. I thought maybe you could help me."

She's asking me for help? Me? But how could I even do that? Why does she even like Sasuke? Sasuke...Sasuke.....why does that name sound so familiar? Oh, he was that kid with the nice brother. I'm not sure, how does she even know she likes him, shouldn't she be focusing on other things too?

I turned to Sakura and started playing with the hem of my dress. "I- I don't know how to help you Sakura..besides how do you even know you like this kid? Are you sure it's not an infatuation?"

"Of course not! I know I like him, he's so cute, and he's strong too! He gets the highest scores in class, nothing like that loser Naruto." Woah, that was..pretty rude of her.

"What about personality? Have you talked to him before? What's he like?"

Sakura shifted beside me a bit. " see I've never actually talked to him..hehe. He hasn't exactly talked back to me when I would, he just ignored me."

I sat up and faced my whole self to Sakura. "Sakura, I think you should give up on this infatuation you have on Sasuke."

"What? Why?"

I was beginning to get a headache from this, and from what was starting to happen I could tell it wasn't going to end well.

"Because Sakura, all he does is ignore you, and you don't seem to know anything about him at all, you like him based on looks. Shouldn't you focus more on being a kunoichi?"

I started to hear some sniffling from her, I knew there was no going back, but that had to be said. Even if it was a little harsh.

"I-I can't believe you would say that to me! I thought you would understand my feelings! Why can't you be happy for me? How could you be so heartless! Why did I even come to you for can you understand anything, you're blind....a shut in...and you have no friends."

"That's where you're wrong-" I quickly covered my mouth before I could say anything else. I can't go spilling my secrets to her, she might go telling Mom.

"Yeah, I'm not wrong." She got up from my bed and walked to the door. Before she closed the door behind her, I heard her whisper something. But to me I could hear clearly.
"Last time I tell you anything."

I felt a pang in my heart, I knew that this whole situation was my fault, and that I should apologize. But I can't face her right now. Tears of my own began to well in my eyes, soon falling freely down my face.
Hours passed by, Mom came by to tell me dinner wasn't ready but I wasn't hungry. So I missed dinner. I still didn't feel good, so I decided to go on a walk.

I opened my window and jumped out, landing on the ground safely. I didn't want to go anywhere in particular, so I just began walking.

There was a nice breeze as I walked through the village, it was quite lively for being nighttime. I could hear families enjoying a meal together, others drunk.

As I kept walking, the town got quieter and quieter by the minute. The happy aura that I felt before was now gone, replaced with a much more eerie one.

"Something doesn't feel right...maybe I should-" I stumbled back in surprise, a very putrid smell entered my nose. The distinct smell of copper...blood.

My heart was pounding loud, as I got closer to the smell. And then I heard it.


I ran towards the screaming, but I was too late. The body dropped down, dead. I froze at the person who killed the civilian.

"Tsk tsk tsk. Seems I'll have to kill you now..poor thing, if only you didn't see."

My mind was telling me to run, but my body wasn't listening to me. I was in a frozen state, the mysterious man brought down his kunai towards me. But someone appeared behind him gripping his arm.


I remember him, it was that guy who gave me directions...what was his name??

"I-Itachi?" Both men froze and faced me.

"Are you killing these people? But, what did they do?"

The mysterious man shakes off Itachi's grip and looks at him. "So you know this girl?"

"I met her once. She won't do anything, she's blind." He said, completely disregarding my question.

The mysterious man faces me and walks forward. "She may be blind, but she's smart, she came all the way here on her own. She could prove to be a valuable asset." He kept walking until he was right in front of me.
I held my breath as he slowly bent down.

"Hello, my name is Madara. Tell me, what is your name."

His presence was domineering, he felt evil...I swallowed the lump in my throat.


"I day you shall seek me out in your time of need. Let this be a remembrance." I wasn't able to see it coming, he raised his kunai and next thing I knew, I was on the ground, bleeding as there was a huge cut on my face. It went from the left side of my forehead diagonally downwards to my lower right cheek. 

I tried getting up, but I was losing more blood. I was fading in and out of consciousness. The last thing I was able to gather were the words "I'm sorry."


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