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"Bye Mom, Dad! I'm going out for my training! See you later!!" I yelled out as I was leaving the house.

"Make sure to be back before the academy ends! Remember you have to get your friend and bring him by for dinner." She yelled back.

"Okay!" I closed the door behind me and ran all the way to the training grounds where Kakashi would meet me. He's back today and I had a lot to tell him, especially what happened these past few days he was gone. I arrived at the training grounds, and began warming up. Kakashi wasn't here yet, but hopefully he would be here soon.

Thirty minutes of warming up and Kakashi decided to show up, only he had brought someone along with him as well. The one person I never wanted to see again. I faced their direction and pointed at Guy. "Kakashi! What's he doing here." No offence Guy but I don't want some energy raved person prancing around me when I'm training.

Kakashi laughed awkwardly, "Right, well he told me about your little adventure." His tone changed from laidback to serious. "Sorey, you're going to have to tell us everything so we can try to find this guy."

I sighed and sat on the floor, "Alright, I was planning on telling you anyways Kakashi." Kakashi and Guy came over and sat on the floor beside me as well. "Well, basically, I'll give you a short some of it. I was out walking at night to cool off my head after having a fight with my younger sister."

"What did you guys fight about that made you leave the house so late at night." Guy asked. I glared at him when he asked the question. He put his hands up, in a surrender like way. "S-Sorry I was just curious."

I scoffed and started playing with the grass, "Well that's none of your business. Anyways, I happened to be nearby when.."

"When what Sorey?" Kakashi pressed on.

I gripped my hands as I remembered the horrible copper smell. "When I smelled the blood..and could hear the screams."

"What? You don't mean to say." Guy interrupted. I nodded my head as to shut him up. "Yeah, I walked right into the massacre of the Uchiha." Quickly Guy stood up.

"We have to tell the Hokage about this." Before Guy could run to the Hokage tower, Kakashi managed to stop him.

"Stop Guy, let her finish the story first, then we can decide to tell the Hokage." Guy nodded his head and sat back down on the floor.

I continued my story. "I ran to the area closest to me where I could hear the screaming. But when I arrived, it was too late the person's body had dropped to the floor..dead." I started shaking, as I started remembering the sounds..the squelching and gurgling as the person drowned in their blood. The splatter of blood that sprayed earlier.

"I was too shocked and scared to move. Someone was about to kill me..but Itachi stopped them."

Guy and Kakashi looked at each other and then back at me. "Itachi saved you from whoever tried to kill you? That can't be right, he massacred the whole clan by himself."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "I know what happened, Kakashi. He had an accomplice with him, I don't know who he was, but he seemed really dangerous. He found out I was blind but was able to walk on my own and he said...I could prove to be helpful one day to him. Yet he cut my face."

Kakashi set his hand on my head. "That's enough for today. I'm going to have to report this to the Hokage, you do know that right?"

I silently nodded my head. "Well if that's the case, I'll do that now. As for you, Guy will train you for today!"

I didn't get to say anything in return before there was a poof and Kakashi was gone. I slowly backed away from Guy as he came running to me. On no, there's that spur of energy he gets!

By the time training was over, I was on the floor dying of exhaustion. Guy's way of teaching is really hardcore, but it works. We worked on my endurance, and he made me run the whole time for my training. We ran 50 times  around Konoha. Around the 15th lap, I thought I was going to die. But Guy kept pushing me to go on.

I can't believe I ran 50 laps. My legs felt like noodles and I still had to go home and go to the academy to bring Naruto over for dinner.

Guy gave me a thumbs up. "Good job Sorey! Next time we train together we'll do 100 pushups, sit-ups, and crunches!"

I groaned and rolled over on the floor, facing Guy. "There's going to be a next time? Kill me now."

He got to the floor and quickly began doing push-ups. "Of course!! There will be many more next times!" I got up from the floor, ignoring Guy, and began wibble wobbling back to my house. I didn't want to be late, I had to take a shower to because I was covered in dirt and sweat.

By the time I got home it was almost time to leave, with the small amount of time I had left, I ran to the bathroom and took a shower as well as got dressed in some new clean clothes. After I had finished, it was just about time to leave. I couldn't wait to bring Naruto home for dinner, this was pretty exciting.

Chapter today is a little on the short side, but I've started the next chapter already. Also, two new books have come out so go take a look! They're both Naruto fanfics. I would totally love it if you could read them and give me your opinions!

Make sure to like, comment and follow as well!

Anyways peace! Until next time!

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