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Today started out as usual, I woke up, showered, got dressed, ate breakfast, and went to the academy. But for some reason everything just was really weird. I just had this foreboding feeling deep inside, I felt like something was going to happen, and it scared me. I shook my head and slapped my cheeks.

"Come on Sorey, you're fine. You're just having an off day." I waved to Sakura and Naruto as we walked in separate directions. They walked back home while I walked to the training grounds to meet Kakashi. I arrived early as usual and started warming up by stretching and a warm up run.

By the time I finished Kakashi had finally arrived. "Hey you're late Kakashi, what took so long?" I asked, taking a sip of water, a bit thirsty after running.

He put his book away and folded his arms. "Oh nothing much, I was just in a meeting with the Hokage. Alright we're going to spar for today, get ready because I won't be going easy on you." Kakashi said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I nodded my head and got into my fighting stance. The moment a leaf fell on the floor Kakashi launched himself at me, I ducked and swiftly moved around him while dragging my in the dirt, and went behind him and began to form hand signs. 'Earth Release: Stone Shuriken'

The dirt I had picked up began to infuse chakra until they began to take the form of a shuriken. I grabbed them and threw them towards Kakashi. The moment I threw the shuriken towards Kakashi, I made another set of hand seals and slammed both of my palms on the ground.

I forced my chakra into the ground and began to push down hard. Suddenly six inch spikes came out of the ground where Kakashi was standing, I grinned in excitement, thinking I had finally gotten him when I heard a loud poof and Kakashi disappeared.

Frowning, I jumped away from where I stood as Kakashi came out of the ground. "Kakashi you know better than to use earth style with me." I landed a bit away from Kakashi who just stood there.

We stood there for a few minutes, Kakashi not making a move. Becoming impatient I ran towards Kakashi, running a little low with both of my hands in front of me. I added chakra to the bottom of my feet to allow me to move faster and I applied a minimal amount of chakra to my fist.

Reaching Kakashi I slammed my fist forward into Kakashi's gut, smirking when my fist came into contact, Kakashi launched back a few feet grunting in pain.

Once again I made a few hand seals and surged chakra into my hands and slammed them onto the floor once again, performing the same jutsu as earlier. This time I added a little more chakra than usual causing a few more larger spikes to come up from the ground. Luckily, I was able to injure Kakashi quite a bit and that's when I knew I had won this match at least.

3rd POV

Sorey smiled at Kakashi and rubbed the back of her neck. "I guess this means I won, right Kakashi? First to drop blood wins? But, it seemed like you weren't even trying. What's with that? You never go easy on me, and you mostly always beat me?" A look of confusion appeared on her face as she thought back to the fight just moments ago.

Kakashi walked towards Sorey rather lazily. "Ah, don't worry about it so much, I just wanted to test something, and I see that your perspective skills have improved a lot as well." Kakashi looked at Sorey with a little apprehensiveness before speaking once again. "How about a little break and we spar again, for real this time. Full out."

"Alright, you better look out Kakashi! Just because this is our first time going full out doesn't mean I'll be going easy on you." Sorey smirked, tossing her hair over her shoulder flamboyantly. Causing Kakashi to chuckle.

"I should be the one saying that. Five minute break then we'll get back to sparring."

After the short break Sorey and Kakashi kept sparring for a while, match after match. Sorey soon began to grow tired but she still wanted to beat Kakashi at least once more while going full out.

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