Waiting Game

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The three had arrived at the gates of Konoha, just as Sorey was about to head off to Kakashi's house, Gai grabbed the back of Sorey's shirt. "Hold on there Sorey, let's head to the hospital first, you need some cream from that rope burn of yours." He said, letting go of Sorey's shirt.

Sorey sighed but complied and followed him to the hospital. When they had arrived at the hospital, Gai had taken in Sasuke to get a room and Sorey had just gotten a quick check up. True to his words she did just receive some cream to help with the irritation on her skin.

Sorey stayed with Gai as the nurses checked over Sasuke, once he was done the nurses came back and had told them that he was stuck inside of a genjutsu and they could not get them out. "Naruto and Master Jiraiya are looking for Lady Tsunade, she should be able to heal him." Gai spoke, putting a hand on his chin.

While Gai stayed with Sasuke and the nurses, Sorey snuck out and left the hospital and headed home. While on her way back she got stopped by her teammates. "About time we've found you." Nuriko spoke, crossing his arms, pretending to be calm. But in reality he was worried, he checked over her for any new injuries and spotted the rope burn on her wrists.
He grabbed her by the wrist and lifted it up so he could get a better look. "What exactly happened in the tower, Sorey? They didn't hurt you did they?" Tamahome and Hotohori looked at each other in confusion and concern. What did he mean by getting hurt?

Sorey tugged her wrist back, "I'm fine, they just lectured me if you were wondering. The rope burn was from-"

"Rope Burn?!?!" All three chorused together. "Alright, you better explain what happened now." Hotohori demanded, giving his student the stink eye–not that she could see it. Sorey sighed and gestured to them to follow her. "Sure, let's just go in a less crowded space."

They followed her to their training grounds where they all gathered together and sat on the floor. "Naruto got kidnapped by Itachi Uchiha." Was all Sorey was able to get out before Tamahome screamed. "WhAt? Don't tell me you went after him?"


"Sorey!! Itachi Uchiha is an S rank criminal, you shouldn't have gone after Naruto. I know how much you love him, but your safety is important too." Hotohori warned.

"Well it's too late for that, isn't it?" Sorey asked, she let out a breath. "And it's all fine anyways, Sasuke went too–I mean he totally got destroyed by Itachi but that's expected. Naruto is fine now, Master Jiraiya is with him and they're looking for Tsunade."

Nuriko blinked. "But, when did you get hurt?"

"Oh you know.."

"No I don't, that's why I asked."

"When uhm..Itachi..sorta kidnapped me?" Sorey said, questioned?

"Woah woah woah, backup." Tamahome said, putting his hands up. "The Itachi Uchiha kidnapped you? Why?"

Sorey threw a pebble in his face. "You know what they say, too much curiosity can be dangerous." She meant it in both ways, because she was so curious that night she now bears a scar on her face. Because she knows what happened that night Itachi Uchiha might continue to look for her..like that man Madara had said..she would be of use to him some day. Then, not to mention there's the cursed seal on her tongue as well.

Tamahome rubbed the sore spot on his head in annoyance and decided to move on. "So how did you get free? I mean if he kidnapped you he wouldn't just let you go–DiD hE tRY tO KiLL yOU?"
Sorey sighed and rubbed the side of her head with her fingertips as she could feel a headache beginning to form. "I just used my earth bending, they were definitely surprised and I got away easily, I'll have to get new ankle weights though, I took them off so I could run back to Gai Sensei."

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