Chapter 19 - family ties

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***Four years later****

"Spence, can you please pass me a fresh bottle?" you ask your husband as you sit in the recliner of the light purple nursery. 

You and Spencer had been married for just over two years now and it had been absolute bliss. While on a case a year ago you discovered you were pregnant and you were both ecstatic. You were afraid things would change when you went back to work but your relationship with Spencer just got stronger. Hotch was not extremely pleased at first, but after you filled out the necessary forms and promised not to let it affect your work he came around. 

Spencer shuffled around the corner from the kitchen and entered the nursery, holding a bottle in his hands. He handed it to you and smiled, coming around behind you to admire your daughter. When it came time to pick a name, you knew right away. 

"I'll never get over how cute she is. We made the cutest baby." he says, placing a hand on your shoulder.

You nod and smile, looking into her hazel eyes that are locked on your face. When you found out you were pregnant you were secretly hoping it was a girl, knowing how good of a girl dad Spencer would be. When that hope was realized you were beaming. He loved this little girl with everything in him and you could tell. Her little brown curls were reminiscent of her father and you loved seeing him in her. 

You had not been back to the BAU since giving birth six months ago, with Spencer working cases from home as well and occasionally going into the office. To be totally honest, you were content just being here with your daughter. You loved working at the BAU but you didn't need it, not like Spencer did. It was a bit of a given that he would continue to work once she was born, but your decision about yourself had yet to be made. You were financially comfortable so you didn't need to go back and the idea of a nanny and leaving your baby on cases made you uncomfortable. 

"Babe" you say to grab his attention away from the sleeping angel in your arms. "I think... I don't want to go back." 

He says nothing, just searches your face with his eyes as he lets a small smirk climb onto his face. 

"I didn't think you would" he tells you.

"So you're okay with that?" you ask, trying to read him.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be? I just want you to be happy and if being here with our girl makes you happy, how could I be upset?" 

You smile and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. 

"I'm going to do my best to stay out of the field too, we both know that's not my strong suit." 

You chuckle and agree with him. His brains make him an asset to the team.

"I don't need anything jeopardizing my ability to see my baby girl grow up." 

Your heart swells at his words. He grabs her from your arms and begins to walk with her, rocking her back and forth as he moves. 

"Nothing is as important as you two. My girls. Y/N and Gabriella. That's all I'll ever need." 


**A/N: very quick ending I apologize but I just wanted to wrap this up! Lmk if you get the name reference ;) and I hope u enjoyed the story! It's almost to 10k reads which is INSANE! When I get some more free time I'll start editing the Luke alvez fic on my page again! xo jess** 

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