Chapter 2 - And they were roommates..

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Your taxi pulled up to the hotel shortly after your conversation with Spencer and Derek. You were still in your head about it, but you shoved it to the back of your mind for now as you gathered your stuff from below your feet. You had managed to pack rather light for a two week trip, hoping to be able to check your bag. That, unfortunately didn't happen because of weight requirements so you ended up packing light for nothing. You should've taken a page out of Garcia's book and overpacked, bringing anything and everything you could ever need. That girl must have brought her entire apartment with her. Emily was a happy medium between the two of you, she was probably closest to packing exactly enough for the length of the trip. 

"Merci, monsieur!" you thanked the taxi driver and paid him, slipping in an extra ten euros with an apologetic face because he had to listen to Derek and Penelope joke about French fries and French toast and you felt badly, hoping he didn't think you were mocking the culture. 

Derek helped everyone remove their luggage from the trunk as you waited on the curb in front of the massive, gorgeous hotel. This place was way above your budget, you're not sure how Emily managed to get you in.

"Hey Ems, remind me again how we're all able to stay here and still stay within budget?" you directed your attention to her as she rolled her luggage over to where you were standing. 

"Don't worry about it hun, let my connections work for us." she smirked and sauntered inside knowing you wouldn't drop it. 

You absolutely loved Emily but you hated when she did things like this. Her family was well off and very well connected, and you hated asking her for favors. Though, in your defense, you just asked her to find a hotel to stay at since you knew she had been to Europe before. She did more than just find a hotel, she used her connections to get you into possibly the nicest hotel in Paris, and she got an amazing rate at that. 

You followed her inside, Penelope, Spencer and Derek following closely behind you. She made the reservation so you were letting her take the lead to check in. You watched her a few feet away, speaking to the concierge in perfect French (another thing you loved about her being here) and checking you all in. She had a look on her face that you couldn't quite figure out. She seemed pensive and met your eyes for a few moments before she turned back to the desk in front of her. You started checking your messages when she came sauntering back over in her typical boss-bitch Emily fashion. 

"So.. I have good news and I have bad news." she started when Spencer interrupted her.

"Is the good news that I can go to bed now?" he pleaded.

"Yes and no" she said, "I was able to swing this hotel for all of us so soon and they don't normally accept late reservations but they know my family and bent the rules" she continued.

"Right. And?" you asked. 

"Well because it's so popular and they bent the rules for us, they only have three rooms for the five of us." she told you, her teeth showing as her mouth went full flat-line, an obvious look of oops on her face. 

"I call rooming with Derek!" Penelope quickly shot up when she realized we'd need to double up, grabbing Derek by the hands and pulling him to the elevators after snatching their key from Emily. 

"Okay, that leaves us three. We can room together, right Em?" I asked, unbothered by the roommate situation. I always thought of Emily like a sister and to be completely honest it would be more fun sharing a room, like having a really long sleepover. 

"Well.. you see..." she trailed off, looking extra suspicious and averting her gaze to the floor. 

I gave her a questioning look that she took as my response and continued her reasoning. 

"I need to have my own room because I um.. I get night terrors" she said quietly, looking around to be sure nobody was eavesdropping. Spencer shot you a look as if to ask you to elaborate, to which you shook your head and he understood to back off. 

This was something you knew about Emily but had forgotten. Ever since she nearly died at the hands of an ex who was also an international felon, she had been having trouble sleeping. She had mentioned it before but you didn't know it was still happening. She didn't want to be around anyone at night in case she woke up screaming, she didn't want to ruin the trip for you. You wished she would let you be there for her, but you knew she wouldn't and you respected her choices. You hoped this trip could help take her mind off of things.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry Em, I didn't stop to think about that. Of course you can have your own room" you rubbed her shoulder in a soothing fashion, smiling at her nervous demeanor. She was a boss bitch for sure, but she had her struggles just like anyone else. 

"Well, pretty boy, looks like we're roomies." you say, spinning around to look at Spencer. He seems distant, almost nervous. He was shifting back and forth on his feet and refused to look you in the eyes. Eventually, he did look up. 

"Ok." he said and took off towards the elevators. You and Emily both looked at each other for a moment. 

"He is acting so weird and being short with me." you huff.

"He mentioned his mom, maybe he just has a lot on his mind right now" she retorts.

"yeah maybe.." you trail off as you gather into the elevator to head to your rooms on the twelfth floor.

As the elevator doors open you notice an empty hallway, Spencer must already be in the room. You head to your shared room, 1202 while Emily heads to her room, 1203. 

"Looks like we're neighbors! Good night, Ems." you say, reaching into your back pocket for the key card to open the door. 

"Good night, y/n. Sleep tight!" she responds and swiftly enters into the darkness of her own room. You hope for her sake she gets a good nights rest, but you aren't confident that's something she gets much of anymore. 

You head into your own room and see Spencer laying beneath the blankets of the king size bed in the room.

"There's uh.. only one bed." he says, his pink cheeks evident all the way from the front door. 

"Oh, hm. Oh well, slumber party it is" you respond, putting your bags down and reaching into your suitcase for your pajamas. "I'm going to head into the bathroom to get changed, do you need to use it before I do? " you ask.

"No, I am okay thanks." he responds quickly and quietly. You knew Spencer could be awkward around girls but he never behaved that way around you. You found his sudden change in demeanor to be odd, nothing specific happened that you can think of that would make him behave this way. Maybe he really did just have a lot on his mind these days.

You spent the next ten minutes in the bathroom, putting on a sheer white tank and some light pink sleep shorts. You obviously were not going to wear a bra to bed but this material was sheer, you could clearly see your nipples. You hadn't brought much in the way of pajamas because you didn't know you'd be sharing a room. You quickly got over the fact that your outfit was revealing, you weren't shy about your body and you and spence were close anyways, you knew he wouldn't care. Quickly brushing your teeth, washing your face, and putting your hair in a ponytail you begin to reenter the shared room. You hear a cough as you're putting your worn clothes in the hamper and turn to see Spencer, shifting uncomfortably on the bed.

"You okay?" you ask him, concern lacing your voice. 

"Yeah sorry, something in my throat" he said as he turns over in the bed quickly so you can no longer see his face, the face that is bright pink for the third time tonight and you begin to ask yourself why. 

Was he flustered by me? Any man would be seeing boobs I suppose, not that I was topless but I was pretty damn close too it, the only thing preventing me from being topless was a thin layer of white cotton. You stand for another minute, questions racing through your head, before you get under the covers on the other side of the bed. You turn so you are back to back with Spencer and neither of you can see each other's faces. 

"Goodnight Spence" you say quietly while reaching over to turn off the lamp that was the single source illuminating the room.

"Night, y/n" he says and without any more words you drift off into a peaceful slumber, exhausted from your long day of traveling. 

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