Chapter 17 - ménage à trois

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"Really?" Emily gasped as she took another sip of her mimosa, moving to use her hand to cover her mouth in shock. 

"Really. I brought it up with him and he's into it." 

She has a pensive look on her face for a few minutes as you both sit in relative silence, the only sounds coming from people walking the street outside. You had taken Emily to brunch this morning, just the two of you, to discuss the little proposition you and Spencer had been thinking about. You brushed it off when she originally mentioned it, thinking it a joke. What you didn't know, however, is that Spencer was more than willing. 

"I don't want this to affect our friendship." she tells you, a small frown forming on her face as her eyes travel towards the floor. 

You reach over and put your hand on top of hers that was resting on the small bistro table.

"I don't want it to either. Spence and I spoke about this at length and we don't think we would have any issues, but it is ultimately up to you. Neither of us will be upset if you decide against it, I know it was kind of a joke at the beginning. I just want you to be comfortable."

You and Spencer had indeed discussed this at length this morning before you left to meet up with Emily. You were concerned that this would put a strain on your relationship with her and may make her feel awkward around Spencer. And, somewhere deep down, you may have been worried that he would like Emily more, but you didn't dare bring that up. Spencer assured you that he is able to separate his feelings and while he did find Emily beautiful he didn't have romantic feelings for her in that way. You two decided that you could compartmentalize and if she was willing then you would be too. If she wasn't, you may be able to find someone else in Paris who was.

"I want to, I just have reservations." she finally said, bringing you out of your own thoughts. "I'm not saying no, I think I just need some time to think it over"

You nod at her words, smiling. "Of course, take all the time you need. I still love you either way, do not feel pressured to do this just because I'm asking, okay?" 

"Okay" she smiled back and you two finished your food and watched cars go by as you idly discussed other things. 

Spencer immediately wanted to know what happened when you came back to the room, he had been waiting patiently on the bed for hours, thoughts running wild in his mind. As soon as you crossed the threshold to the door he pounced.

"So?" he asked, an eager look in his eyes. 

He looked so nervous but also excited, like a kid who is waiting to find out if his friend can spend the night. 

"She's going to think about it" you tell him, walking past him and taking off your shoes, carefully setting them on the floor next to the bed. 

"Oh. Okay. That makes sense." 

You could sense a hint of disappointment in his voice and you wanted to reassure him. You sit down on the edge of the bed and pat next to you, signaling him to come sit. He sits down with a small huff. 

"She didn't say no Spence. She just doesn't want our friendship to suffer and I get it. If she doesn't want to, we can look for someone else who does." you tell him, rubbing his leg soothingly. 

"Okay" he says and smiles at you, placing hand over your own on his thigh. 

You two cuddled up in bed together for a little bit and before you knew it you were waking up to the sound of knocks on the door. You let out a low groan as you started to rise from under the sheets, seeing it was dusk out now. 

You must've slept the day away. Great. 

Already in a bit of a sour mood, you shook Spencer awake too, knowing he would be just as upset about missing an entire day. He opened his eyes and sat up, looking utterly confused. He rubbed his eyes with his palms and looked at you, silently asking a question. 

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